On April 27, 1915, President Joseph F. Smith and the First Presidency urged members to create a “home evening,” where family members could gather together and learn gospel principles, read the scriptures, sing hymns, and learning about their duties to their families, the Church, society and the nation.
As time went on, the Church asked stakes and wards to set their own home evenings so that they wouldn’t schedule church meetings that took place on family night. In October of 1970, the Church designated Mondays as the official night for Family Home Evening.
As part of this centennial celebration, we’ve decide to share some of our favorite FHE lesson series as well as our most popular FHE lessons.
Top Five FHE Lessons
We often speak of agency and how it's our gift while here in mortality. But how do we make that applicable to our children? With a great football metaphor to help illustrate this point, we hope this lesson will instruct your family on agency.
Teach your family about agency here
Where do we find everlasting happiness? There are so many things in the world that can make us happy, how do we know where the best source for happiness is? This FHE lesson will give you all the answers, and hopefully put a smile on your face.
Learn more about true happiness here
In this day and age, there's a lot we have to be upset about. But are we dwelling so much on the negative facets of our lives that we're overlooking all the good that comes our way? Take a moment and ponder your own attitude toward life in this FHE lesson.
See more of this life-changing lesson here
We have many responsiblities and obligations that take up our time. Sometimes, it feels like we can never accomplish all of them when we need to. This FHE lesson, however, will help you simplify your life and create peace and comfort.
Learn how to make life simpler
How often do you pray, and what do you pray for? If you find yourself only praying to Heavenly Father when things get rough, you may want to remember the true purpose of prayer: to connect us with God and have a conversation with Him. Remember that He loves and wants to hear from you.
Learn how you can improve your communication with Heavenly Father
FHE Lesson Series
The Family: A Proclaimation to the World
This lesson series is a nine week course breaking down "The Family: A Proclaimation to the World."
Click here to get started on this lesson series
Articles of Faith
If you want to help your chilren better understand the Articles of Faith, this lesson series is perfect for you as it helps you define and understand each individual Article.
Feel free to combine lessons if you don't want to strech it out over 13 weeks
Living Prophets
We are blessed to have living prophets to guide and direct us today. Our FHE lesson series on the prophets brings their inspired teachings into our living rooms for 16 weeks.
Discover what the prophets have to say to your family
Preach My Gospel
If you've got a recently called missionary in your home, or you want to learn how you can be a member missionary, this FHE lesson series will give you a deeper understanding of how to become a better missionary.
See how you can become better member missionaries
Young Women's Values
Personal progression isn't just for young women--we could all use a dose of faith, knowledge, and virtue. To help your family develop these qualities and more, use these 8 complete FHE lessons inspired by the Young Women's values from Faith to Integrity. And if you do have any young women in your family, you can encourage them to complete their personal progress value experiences starting in these 8 Family Home Evening lessons.