Beloved Latter-day Saint artist Greg Olsen has never felt that Jesus and Santa Claus need to be pitted against each other. In fact, he believes that they can complement one another through their shared missions of spreading joy.
And Olsen’s painting “The Spirit of Christmas” encapsulates this belief. “[The painting] was born out of the idea that, for me, … [they are] all part of the same story,” Olsen explained. “One of hope and faith and love and charity.”
This year, Olsen continues to spread magic with his new book that features the painting.
Olsen engagingly read the book for a group of wide-eyed children in a festive video for Deseret Book. If you have kids at home or visiting during the holidays, this is a clip they’ll not want to miss.
“The Spirit of Christmas” depicts Santa in a home on Christmas Eve, perhaps having just set down a delivery of presents. He sits at a small candlelit table that is decorated with figurines of the Nativity. In his hand, Santa holds the miniature baby Jesus, studying Him over the rims of his spectacles. The scene is one of warmth and reverence, and it radiates Christmas magic.
“The Spirit of Christmas” Set
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