Latter-day Saint Life

BYU Faculty Create Interactive Map of Book of Mormon Sites


After the Church asked BYU faculty member Taylor Halverson to create animmersive, interactive map of locations from the Bible, now BYU faculty are working to create similar maps for the Book of Mormon. To view current maps and other incredible resources for the Book of Mormon, visit

A team of BYU faculty worked together to create an interactive map of geographical sites from the Book of Mormon.

Religion professor Tyler Griffin, animation professor Seth Holladay and Taylor Halverson, faculty consultant for the Center for Teaching and Learning, have worked together for over four years to complete this project.

When Holladay, Griffin and Halverson met, they learned they were all passionate about helping people better understand the Book of Mormon.

The team members have since combined their knowledge of the scriptures and 3-D animation to help students understand the scriptures more quickly, according to Holladay.

Lead image from The Daily Universe
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