After a weeklong struggle to overcome a tragic accident, 3-year-old Elsie Mahe, daughter of BYU coach Reno Mahe and his wife, Sunny Mahe, passed away. While many have mourned her passing, the National Kidney Foundation honored Elsie's life and her parents' decision to donate her organs.
The National Kidney Foundation, which traditionally features collegiate football coaches on these billboards, decided to do things a little differently this time. “Because Elsie donated,” the sign reads, “5 lives are saved.” A picture of Elsie is also on the billboard.

Reno’s family and friends would always point out when he was on a billboard, Reno said in a Facebook video. Changing up the billboard routine, though, was no problem for him.
“They called and asked if they could honor my daughter and our decision for her to donate her organs, and I thought it would be a great tribute to her,” Reno said in a video about the billboard.
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