"Every day is a bonus day," LDS mom Melanie Pearson Day, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, writes on her blog. "It’s one more chance to spend with our loved ones. One more chance to grow and learn. One more chance to start all over again and try to be better. One more chance to enjoy other people and bring light into their lives."
At the Day house in Lehi, playing basketball with the kids is pretty much a daily activity. That's not too surprising considering the kids' mom, Melanie Pearson Day, played college ball at Brigham Young University.
The court may look different now, the stakes not so high, but her opponent is tougher than ever.
"My diagnosis was about two to five years to live," Day said.
Day has stage four terminal breast cancer. The news moved her to create a blog she calls "Five years to live." She said the writing has been therapeutic, and putting together her bucket list was one of the first things she did.