On May 15th, the Sapporo Japan Temple received its angel Moroni statue. Check out these amazing photos--and don't miss the video of the event.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Video still from the Japanese LDS Church Facebook.

Photo from LDS Church Temples, courtesy of Rie Aoki
Unfortunately, the video is in Japanese and doesn't have subtitles available. But even if you don't speak the language, it's worth the watch. In case you're curious, the video tells the story of the event from the perspective of the crane operator.
5月15日に行われた、建設中である日本札幌神殿のモロナイ像設置の様子とそこに携わっていらっしゃった、あるひとりの会員についてをビデオにまとめましたので、ぜひご覧下さい。http://goo.gl/yV2ydU#temple #モルモン #LDS Posted by 末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会 on Monday, May 25, 2015
For translations of each section of the video, check out this helpful blog from LDS Daily.