While sitting in a class at the theological seminary he attended, Michael Huston was floored when he heard his teacher say these words: “Lament is faithfully complaining to God.” The teacher went on to say, “Lament is the way you worship to God from within pain.” Huston describes the feeling he felt that day as exhaling a breath he had been holding for a very long time. On this week’s episode, he explains why he hopes to help others find that same relief in the concept of lament.
Lament, in a sense, is the most sacred of offerings. …It’s those moments when we are most vulnerable, most exposed, most uncertain, when our legs are the shakiest. We’re taking that and we’re saying, ‘God this is all I have left.’
Show Notes
1:51- What is Lament and Why the Interest?
9:26- Structure of Lament
12:47- Murmuring or Complaining Vs. Lament
15:17- The Necessity of Expressing Pain and Grief
18:25- Men Are That They Might Have Joy
22:12- Post 9/11—A Modern Example of Lament
27:29- The Importance of Allowing Yourself to Lament
31:05- Lament—A Sacred Offering
37:08- A Note on Lament and “Faith Crisis”
39:52- A God For All Seasons
42:06- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Links & References:
Michael’s book
Elder Maxwell’s talk about murmuring
View transcript here.