Kyle S. McKay: A Witness of a Living Christ and an Ongoing Restoration
If the walls of the Kirtland Temple could speak, they would tell you what they saw that day—April 3, 1836—when the Living Christ appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Still, the temple stands as a witness of the reality of the Resurrection that we celebrate at Easter. Perhaps it is only fitting that the Kirtland Temple reopened under the Church’s ownership this week. On this week’s episode, Elder Kyle S. McKay shares how history and an understanding of our heritage strengthens our own faith.
He said in back-to-back verses in the Book of Mormon, ‘I am able to do my own work’ and He’s doing it but this is take a child to work day and it is a glorious privilege to be His child and go to work with Him and watch Him do it.
Show Notes
2:05- A Cowboy at Heart
4:24- Elder Marlin K. Jensen
8:20- Attorney By Trade
11:19- Learning From Church History Professionals
15:56- Approaching Troubling Aspects of Church History
20:33- Jane Manning
25:46- Historic Site Vs. Operational Temple
28:14- Dispensations
31:34- Three Temples
36:33- The Sacrifices of Women
39:33- Why Buy a Replica?
41:25- Relationship with the Community of Christ Church
46:31- God’s Awareness of His Church
48:29- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
View transcript here.