Deseret Book released an exciting product: Router Limits “LDS Edition.”
Router Limits is the leading provider for comprehensive web management solutions and has been helping families across America by providing safer internet to homes and by helping parents and children better manage the time they sit in front of a screen. For those of you who might not be technology experts, don't worry. Router Limits uses an effortless interface that is easy to use.
The “LDS Edition” is geared specifically toward LDS families and provides special filters and categories that Latter-day Saint families care about.
“We’re excited to offer this specialized version of our system to LDS families,” said Skylar Walker, CEO of Router Limits. “One of our goals is to be as flexible as possible, to accommodate the needs of all sorts of families. The LDS Edition is one more way that we’re helping families keep harmful content out of the home and end the battles over devices and screen time through a simple-to-use, cloud-based system that’s ever-evolving. We designed this special edition specifically with LDS customers in mind.”
Router Limits goes above and beyond simple or basic internet filters. Now, most of the time spent online in the home isn't on a computer. With smartphones, smart TVs, gaming systems, iPads, and so many other devices, children can access internet content anytime from anywhere.
But Router Limits helps set up filters not only for your computer, but for every device using your home internet. The filtering is completely customizable on a device-by-device basis. Parents can control access to specific websites or categories hour by hour, day by day.
You can also set up schedules that help both parents and children both limit their screen time use and focus on what's important. For example, you can restrict internet use during homework hours, evenings, or even on Sundays.
Plus, Router Limits lets you access the visit history of every device and set up profiles for each family member. The best part is that there is no software to install and the technology always remains up-to-date, with new features being added regularly.
The LDS Edition will feature simple tools for families to focus on what’s good on the web. A “Sabbath Day” setting for the internet will enable one-click management of the web for LDS families hoping to keep the home a haven on Sundays.
The Router Limits LDS Edition is at and select Deseret Book stores, starting at just $79.
Get Router Limits for your family. And check outthese new premium featuresat Deseret Book.
Router Limits is a Utah-based technology company that’s dedicated to endless enhancement, top-notch customer service, and an internet experience that's better and safer for you and your family than ever before. We provide #BetterFamilyInternet by helping users protect their families, manage screen time, and take back the internet. Visit us at