Lesson Helps

A Fun General Conference Scavenger Hunt Your Family Will Love


The next two weeks of Come, Follow Me focus on Matthew 16–17, Mark 8–9, and Luke 9.  In Matthew 16:13-17, Christ asks His followers, "Whom say ye that I am?" The answer to this question varies based on the revelation we have received of Christ's divine identity. Receiving revelation often begins with asking questions, and in preparation for the revelations that are to come this general conference, we have provided a family home evening activity focused on asking questions and finding answers. Check out this week's Come, Follow Me study ideas on LDS Livingfor additional resources and suggestions.


“The Prophet Joseph Smith set a pattern for us to follow in resolving our questions. Drawn to the promise of James that if we lack wisdom we may ask of God, the boy Joseph took his question directly to Heavenly Father. He sought personal revelation, and his seeking opened this last dispensation.

In like manner, what will your seeking open for you? What wisdom do you lack? What do you feel an urgent need to know or understand? Follow the example of the Prophet Joseph. Find a quiet place where you can regularly go. Humble yourself before God. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.”

(President Russell M. Nelson, “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018)


"He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

(Matthew 16:15-16)


President Nelson has urged Latter-day Saints to frequently study the messages shared at general conference. In preparation for this upcoming conference, test your knowledge and refresh your memory of last conference by completing this scavenger hunt. Have individuals come prepared with either a hard copy of the Ensign’s November general conference issue or an electronic device that will give them access to the 2018 October general conference talks. Depending on the size and preference of the group, either divide individuals into teams or have each person compete separately. 

Below is a list of scavenger hunt questions. Hand out copies of these questions and have individuals see who can fill out the scavenger hunt fastest, or call out each question separately and have family members compete to find the right answer first. Check your answers on the next page. (Hint: The answer key includes the talk each question and answer is found in. You can give the talk as a hint if family members are struggling to find the answer.)

When you are finished going through the scavenger hunt, ask family members what interesting details they learned or had forgotten. Read President Nelson’s quote about asking questions and seeking revelation, and discuss what questions family members have that they hope will be answered during general conference. Ask and discuss how coming to the Lord with questions can enrich our study of the messages shared in general conference. 

  1. Did Joy B. Jones bring Rice Krispies or cookies to a family she ministered to?
  2. What were the words that President Eyring’s wife repeated when she sang the song “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus”?
  3. What is the name of the painting that Elder Richard G. Scott and Gerrit W. Gong modeled their paintings after?
  4. What did one apostle say when his young married daughter and her husband asked him, “Is it still safe and wise to bring children into this seemingly wicked and frightening world we live in?”?
  5. What does the German word Weltschmerz mean?
  6. How many temples were announced?
  7. What two valuable lessons did M. Joseph Brough and his father and two close friends learn on their adventure to Alaska?
  8. What will Latter-day Saints do on the fifth Sunday during the second hour?
  9. What are the five things that President Russell M. Nelson said the name correction was not?
  10. What did the doctor tell Elder Jack N. Gerard after he was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition?
  11. The principle of gathering together all things as one in Christ was compared to what everyday object?
  12. What four invitations did President Nelson issue to the women of the Church?
  13. What was unique about the Amazon River that one apostle discussed?
  14. Which prophet had the vision of the redemption of the dead?
  15. Fill in the blank for this President Oaks quote: “Our personal decisions should be based on information from sources that _______.”
  16. According to a nationwide survey, more than what percentage of teenagers said they felt anxious when they were separated from their cell phones?
  17. What was the name of the little Primary child who wanted to be talked about at general conference?
  18. According to Elder Shayne M. Bowen, how many references to the house of Israel are in the Book of Mormon?
  19. According to Gary E. Stevenson, who is a shepherd?
  20. What was the “secret ingredient” to Sister Victoria Antonietti’s chocolate cake?
  21. Fill in the blank: “Having ‘a _____ idea of Heavenly Father’s character, perfections, and attributes’ is essential to exercising faith sufficient to obtain exaltation.”
  22. Which speaker quoted Mary Poppins in his talk?
  23. What did Elder Talmage do during the epidemic of 1892 when he discovered a family nearby had diphtheria?
  24. According to President Eyring, what is one possible reason the Lord gives the primary responsibility for nourishing in the family to faithful sisters?
  25. Who spoke on the topic of being wounded?
  26. Who spoke and said that he and his family buried stones with a special message on them as a way of laying down a foundation in Christ?
  27. Fill in the blank: “The word ‘take’ is not _____.”
  28. Who was able to help reconcile Brother Bowen back to the Church?
  29. What did Sister Kimball say to Susan when she brought a tie she made for President Spencer W. Kimball?
  30. Who shared the story about the man who had an infirmity for 38 years and was made whole through Christ’s healing power?
  31. According to one apostle, what is one thing Elijah might say in modern times?
  32. What are the essential building blocks of our individual faith and testimony, according to a talk in the Saturday afternoon session?

Answer Key

  1. “For Him”: Cookies
  2. “Try, Try, Try”: “Try, try, try”
  3. “Our Campfire of Faith”: Campfire at Sunset
  4. “Be Not Troubled”: “Yes, it’s more than ok.”
  5. “Believe, Love, Do”: Weltschmerz means “sadness that comes from brooding about how the world is inferior to how we think it ought to be.”
  6. “Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints”: 12—Mendoza, Argentina; Salvador, Brazil; Yuba City, California; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Praia, Cape Verde; Yigo, Guam; Puebla, Mexico; Auckland, New Zealand; Lagos, Nigeria; Davao, Philippines; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Washington County, Utah
  7. “Lift Up Your Head and Rejoice”: “One, do not throw your food out the window. Two, sometimes we have to face hard things.” 
  8. “Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”: Fifth Sundays are under the direction of the bishop, so whatever the bishop picks.
  9. “The Correct Name of the Church”: President Nelson emphasized that the correction was not a name change, rebranding, cosmetic, a whim, or inconsequential.
  10. “Now Is the Time”: If there was anything in his life that he needed to consider, now was the time.
  11. “Gather Together in One All Things in Christ”: Rope
  12. “Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel”: (1) Participate in a 10-day fast from social media and any other negative media. (2) Read the Book of Mormon between conference and the end of the year. (3) Establish a pattern of regular temple attendance. (4) Participate fully in Relief Society.
  13. “One in Christ”: The Amazon is formed by two separate rivers that have very different origins, speeds, temperatures, and chemical compositions, which causes the river’s waters to that flow for a number of miles before the waters blend.
  14. “The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead”: Joseph Fielding Smith
  15. “Truth and the Plan”: “Are qualified on the subject and free from selfish motivations”
  16.  “Parents and Children”: 40%
  17. “Becoming a Shepherd”: David
  18. “The Role of the Book of Mormon in Conversion”: 108
  19. “Shepherding Souls”: “Every man, woman, and child in the kingdom of God is a shepherd. No calling is required.”
  20.  “The Joy of Unselfish Service”: The secret ingredient in Victoria’s cake was the love she had for those she served and her unselfish sacrifice.
  21.  “The Father”: “Correct”
  22.  “Choose You This Day”: Dale G. Renlund
  23. “Taking upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ”: He went to the home, helped clean the house, burned the rags covered with the disease, and held the 5-year-old child as she died.
  24.  “Women and Gospel Learning in the Home”: Capacity to love
  25. “Wounded”: Elder Neil L. Andersen
  26. “Laying the Foundation of a Great Work”: Elder Steven R. Bangerter
  27. “All Must Take Upon Them the Name Given of the Father”: “Passive”
  28.  “The Ministry of Reconciliation”: Brother Bowen’s son and daughter, Brad and Pam
  29. “Divine Discontent”: “Susan, never suppress a generous thought.”
  30. “Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?”: Matthew L. Carpenter
  31. “Firm and Steadfast in the Faith of Christ”: One or all are correct. (1) Either God, our Heavenly Father, exists, or He does not, but if He exists, worship Him. (2) Either Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the resurrected Redeemer of mankind, or He is not, but if He is, follow Him. (3) Either the Book of Mormon is the word of God, or it is not, but if it is, then “get nearer to God by [studying and] abiding by its precepts.” (4) Either Joseph Smith saw and conversed with the Father and the Son that spring day of 1820, or he did not, but if he did, then follow the prophetic mantle, including the keys of sealing that I, Elijah, bestowed upon him.
  32. “Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice”:  (1) Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. (2) The Book of Mormon is the word of God. (3) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God on the earth. (4) Joseph Smith is a prophet, and we have living prophets on the earth today.  
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