Latter-day Saint Life

A 3-Word Lesson from President Uchtdorf & How It Taught One Mom What Was Most Needed in Her Home


Sometimes we can get so caught up in what needs to get done, in accomplishing tasks and feeling productive, that we forget this simple lesson from President Uchtdorf.

A new year. A new phrase. And this phrase is going to be a hard one.

Each year, instead of creating a list of resolutions, I listen for “the phrase.”. . . 

In mid-December, shortly after mid-night, I was woken by the phrase amidst sound slumber. It was as clear as any thought I would have thought at mid-day. It was so simple:

Water the Flowers

The next morning I awoke with excitement that I could now cognitively and consciously ponder this new phrase and consider why it needed to be my guiding preface for the new year.

And I knew exactly where the phrase had come from. Back in April 2016, at General Conference, I was struck by a talk titled “In Praise of Those Who Save” by President Dieter F Uchtdorf. The context of his talk was to lend strength to marriages and remind us that we must work to save these marriages every day of our lives. I listened to the talk with the ears of a wife, and also with the ears of a mother. All relationships require intentional work if we wish them to be eternal. President Uchtdorf said: “Those who save marriages pull out the weeds and water the flowers.”

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