There are many ways to prevent cognitive or memory decline, regardless of what stage of life you’re in. From a healthy diet to keeping up physical, social, and mental activity, the Ensign has several ideas on how to take charge of your lifestyle in order to maintain cognitive health and even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Find out more below or read the full article at the Ensign.
1) Follow a Healthy Diet
The Ensign suggests following the examples of those in the scriptures who maintained a healthy diet, such as Daniel and his companions during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. The Word of Wisdom also provides “warning and counsel on diet.”
According to the Ensign, a study found that “more than 80 percent of Alzheimer’s cases could probably be avoided by adhering to a variety of healthful dietary and lifestyle principles and practices.”
2) Stay Active
Continuing to exercise, learn, and have social interaction is important in preventing cognitive decline.
In 2014, the “Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability” found that 1,200 seniors with cognitive impairments who “stayed physically, mentally, and socially active” were able to “think faster, reason and remember better, and dramatically reduce their risk for dementia.”
3) Meditate, Pray, and Get a Good Night’s Sleep
A personalized study conducted by Dr. Dale Bredesen found that 9 out of 10 patients with Alzheimer’s experienced a reversal of symptoms by meditating, praying, and sleeping well, in addition to living a healthy lifestyle and addressing other health-related issues. The Ensign article also quotes Maria C. Carrillo, chief science officer for the Alzheimer’s Association, who said that creating healthy habits is useful.
“A large body of research now strongly suggests that combining healthy habits promotes good brain health and reduces your risk of cognitive decline,” she said.
Read more at the Ensign.