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12 pieces of Latter-day Saint art perfect for your child’s room

Latter-Day Home Spring 2022
Anna Killian/Anna Killian

Fill your child's room with art that will instill positive messages and remind them of the Savior's love for them. These 12 pieces are all available at Latter-Day Home.

"Angels" | B. Kershisnik

Angels gather in this unique piece, available in framed and unframed prints.

Kate Lee - Simple Gifts

"With all the noise happening around us each day it's easy to miss the simple gifts our Father in Heaven and Savior continually put in front of us. It is my hope that we take just a moment from our busy schedules and recognize those simple gifts that better our lives, and strengthen our connection to the heavens." —Kate Lee

Sarah Samuelson - Art - Twice Blessed

Twice blessed by the opening of Provo, Utah's second temple. This painting by artist Sarah Samuelson beautifully illustrates the two temples in the springtime.

"His Prayer" | Brenda Bird

"'Peace be unto you.' Christ said this to His apostles after to soothe their fears after His resurrection. They needed the peace that only He can give. I know that when I have worries about my children, family or personal struggles He is there waiting for me to come to Him and partake of the peace." —Brenda Bird

"Forward in Christ" | Mackenzie Bontempo

This beautiful piece by emerging artist, Mackenzie Bontempo, serves as a wonderful reminder that we can always move forward with Christ.

"They all Dance" | B. Kershisnik

This piece, available in framed and unframed prints, depicts the joy of children celebrating life.

Haley Miller - Rescuer

“One day as I was exercising, I was pondering on the efforts of the Savior on my behalf. I was granted a vision of sorts. In this vision I was sitting on the ground, my back against the wall of a cage, it was dark and I felt terrible. I looked up and through a door in the cage was a hand reaching towards me. It was Jesus Christ.
I knew as I looked at Him that He had come all the way down the twisted path I had taken and had found me to bring me out.
I took His hand. He walked back the same twisted path with me...until we came back to light. To hope. To life. I knew this had really happened. That He had really come for me and that He had been with me all along. I love Him for this." - Haley Miller

'Christ with the Little Ones' | Jessica Sarah Beach

"There's a child in me still, and she is such easy friends with the Messiah. If I could just get my adult self to fall into such ease." —Jessica

'You Are My Sunshine' | Elisabeth Wing

Elisabeth Wing is the artist and designer behind Wingmade. She has always embraced the arts and graduated from BYU with a degree in Industrial Design, where she fell in love with sketching and form. When she discovered surface design there was no turning back!

"For Thee" | Brenda Bird

Inspired by a dear friend's devotion to her garden (home, family, religion) and the detailed care she gives for each.

“I have come to know without a doubt that believing and loving God and striving to follow Christ can change our hearts, soften our pain, and fill our souls with “exceedingly great joy.” - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

'He Lives' | Madison Cuff

Available framed and unframed in 5x7" and 8x10".

'We Are His'| Kate Lee

Dear Sons of God,
You are known and seen by Christ.
The loads you carry matter so deeply to Him.
Your Savior is reaching for you.
Reach back and walk with Him.
You are His.

Available in 5x7" and 8x10" prints.

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