Editor’s Note: This story was first published on LDSLiving.com in 2011. Brother Winegar, whose story is shared below, passed away in 2013 at the age of 92.
On Sunday morning, Dec. 7, 1941, Elder Wayne M. Winegar had just listened to the radio broadcast of “Music and the Spoken Word.” The Tabernacle Choir had sung the words, “All is well.”

And all did seem well for the missionary serving his second year in the Hawaiian Islands. The day before, Saturday, he had joined with his mission president and others for a conference in Kona, on the Big Island. He was serving then in Hilo as a branch president. Back home in Utah, his girlfriend, Virginia Adams, was waiting for him.
Elder Winegar was still listening to the radio when the announcer suddenly broke in, “Pearl Harbor is being bombed.”
Read the full story on Church News.