Conference Talk:
For more information on this topic read “More Than Conquerors through Him That Loved Us,” by Paul V. Johnson, Ensign, May 2011, 78.
"No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility. ... It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire.”
(Orson F. Whitney, quoted in Paul V. Johnson, “More Than Conquerors through Him That Loved Us,” Ensign, May 2011, 78.)
“Be Still My Soul,” Hymns, #124.
And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.
(Alma 36:3)
Object Lesson:
Materials Needed
A piece of rough wood, sandpaper, and a piece of newspaper to catch sawdust.
Show the rough wood to the class and briefly discuss how it would feel. Now show and pass around the sandpaper. Ask class members to comment on how it feels. During the following discussion, rub the rough edges of the wood with the sandpaper (holding it over the newspaper).
Discuss what happens as you use the sandpaper on the rough wood. Be sure to include why the sandpaper makes the wood feel smooth (rough particles cut off the rough bits of wood).
Liken the sandpaper to adversity and the wood to ourselves. Tell class members that adversity can soften and smooth our rough edges. Give some examples or ask the class to think of examples of this principle (for example, an extended illness may make a person more compassionate).
“I Was Willing to Suffer for the Sake of Christ”
Edward Partridge
I was taken from my house by the mob, George Simpson being their leader, who escorted me about half a mile, to the court house, on the public square in Independence; and then and there, a few rods from said court house, surrounded by hundreds of the mob, I was stripped of my hat, coat and vest and daubed with tar from head to foot, and then had a quantity of feathers put upon me; and all this because I would not agree to leave the county, and my home where I had lived two years.
Before tarring and feathering me I was permitted to speak. I told them that the Saints had suffered persecution in all ages of the world; that I had done nothing which ought to offend anyone; that if they abused me, they would abuse an innocent person; that I was willing to suffer for the sake of Christ; but, to leave the country, I was not then willing to consent to it. By this time the multitude made so much noise that I could not be heard: some were cursing and swearing, saying, “call upon your Jesus,” etc.; others were equally noisy in trying to still the rest, that they might be enabled to hear what I was saying.
Until after I had spoken, I knew not what they intended to do with me, whether to kill me, to whip me, or what else I knew not. I bore my abuse with so much resignation and meekness, that it appeared to astound the multitude, who permitted me to retire in silence, many looking very solemn, their sympathies having been touched as I thought; and as to myself, I was so filled with the Spirit and love of God, that I had no hatred towards my persecutors or anyone else.
(Jack M. Lyon, Linda Ririe Gundry, Jay A. Parry, Best-Loved Stories of the LDS People, Vol. 1, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1997].)
Back-to-Back Relay. Pairs standing back to back, with their backs touching, must run together to a goal and back with one running forward and the other running backward. If they separate, they must start over again.
No Bake Cookies
- 1/2 c. butter
- 1/2 c. milk
- 4 tbsp. cocoa
- 2 c. sugar
- 1/2 c. peanut butter
- 3 c. quick oats
Microwave butter, milk, cocoa and sugar in large bowl on high for 3 minutes. Stir, microwave for 2 more minutes. Remove from heat. Add peanut butter, stir until melted. Add oats and stir. Drop by spoonfuls onto cookie sheet covered with waxed paper. Refrigerate until cool. Makes 24 large cookies.
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