Today, just about everyone has their own personal smartphone. These can either be amazing resources for righteousness or demanding devices for distraction. To help us continually keep our focus on the good and educate our minds with the best things, apps like the following have been created for our benefit. If you want to feel uplifted throughout the day, or if you need a good resource to assist you in preparing a lesson, here is a list of apps that are helpful and will keep you engaged in righteous works.
1. LDS Media Library

A relatively new app, the LDS Media Library is one of the teacher's or lesson planner’s best companions. It contains the largest amount of Church media all in one place. You can browse images, music, and video produced by the Church and then can arrange complimentary media for your personal lesson plans! Just create a playlist where you can set everything up that you want to use to supplement your FHE or Sunday School lesson and you are ready to teach. The app automatically downloads any media you prepare so that even when you are out of range of Wi-Fi, you can still teach your lesson using the video and pictures you picked out. Another really nice feature is that you can trim videos you want to share to the exact sections that you want to use. Cool, right?
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This app, along with the following LDS Doctrinal Mastery app, works great in conjunction with the Gospel Library app, which is available for Apple, Android, or Windowsdevices.
2. Deseret Bookshelf

Deseret Book’s official free app allows users to read, search, and study their entire LDS library in a convenient and effective manner. In addition to the standard works, you get eight classic LDS books for free when you download the app, including Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith and Jesus the Christ. It also includes many features to maximize your gospel study, including lesson helps.
NEW! If you love audiobooks, then you'll love Deseret Book's brand-new service: Bookshelf PLUS. Starting at just $6.99 per month, Bookshelf PLUS offers unlimited access to more than 500 audiobooks and talks and over 1,500 eBooks with hundreds more to come. Start your free 30-day trial today!
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3. LDS Doctrinal Mastery

What better way to keep your mind focused on positive things than to study and memorize scriptures? Well, now you can easily do so using the LDS Doctrinal Mastery app. Formerly known as Scripture Master, this app contains the 100 seminary doctrinal mastery passages, the Articles of Faith, and any other content you import from the Gospel Library app. Master these passages of scripture by memorizing or reviewing flashcards. Quiz yourself to see how well you can do!
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4. FamilySearch Memories

The FamilySearch Memories app is perfect for everyone because, much like social media, you can post fun memories and leave them with detailed captions for the future, and they are stored free forever! Just think about all the time you spend on Facebook or Instagram when you could post the awesome pictures of you and your family directly into your family history. In addition, you can actually record stories and other memories and add audio and video files to your FamilySearch memories, too. Save family jokes and tales of glory, keep photos of your family making history, and make your family get-togethers much more meaningful with FamilySearch Memories.
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5. Bible Videos

Watch the life and ministry of Christ and experience what it was like learning from Him, all through your mobile device! With the Bible Videos app, you can stream or download all of the Church's Bible videos as well as read the scriptures they are based on. This is great for downtime or for when you need a pick-me-up. Do keep in mind that you need a good internet connection to stream videos from this app.
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6. Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Watch, listen to, or purchase music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir through this inspiring app. This app allows you to explore many of the classic songs and other favorites the Choir has sung. Any of their albums or videos that you would like to keep for yourself you can simply order through the app. By following this app, you can also find out when upcoming events and performances of the Choir will be held and purchase tickets if necessary.
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7. Mormon Channel

Mormon Channel has everything you need in finding inspiration in a busy world. The app contains 24/7 music and talk radio, videos, and conference talks—all easily accessible with simple navigation. There are also miraculous stories from blogs and other motivating media and images to share with friends and family.
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8. LDS Youth

Whether you are a youth or a parent, this app is worth downloading. It gives you direct mobile access to uplifting and inspiring videos, music, articles, and images that will keep you focused on what truly matters most. It is designed for youth, but all can participate in the good messages shared here—and you can have it on the go! It is not just for the Sabbath day, but any day of the week; any time that you feel you need encouragement, you can receive it from other youth or from the prophets through this uplifting app.
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Lead photo from Getty Images.