Latter-day Saint Life

7 New LDS Books Every Mormon Should Read

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of great new LDS books released each year. With so many important topics broached by insightful authors, figuring out which books to read can seem daunting. Especially when our reading list already includes other must-read items like seminal LDS works, like Jesus the Christ

We're here to help. 

Looking beyond the standard works (which we realize are definitely #1 on any reading list) as well as beyond the standard doctrinal heavy-hitters you probably already have in your must-reads lineup, we've ranked 7 of the best new LDS books you should definitely add to your reading list: 

#7 - Living in the Eleventh Hour by Robert L. Millet

Recognizing and preparing for the signs of the times is critical for all of us living in the latter days. In Living in the Eleventh Hour, author Robert L. Millet points our minds and hearts toward the future—to the glorious day that lies ahead. This encouraging work not only assists us a Latter-day Saints to recognize and better understand the signs of the times but also reminds us of our individual responsibilities as we prepare ourselves and the world for the much-anticipated return of Jesus Christ.

Filled with uplifting quotations from Church leaders, insightful scriptural texts, and engaging personal experiences, this timely book inspires us to live today as if He were coming tomorrow.

#6 - 7-day Christian by Brad Wilcox

Author of landmark titles The Continuous Atonement and The Continuous Conversion brings us this brand-new gem that is sure to become a classic itself. Filled with personal experiences and insightful stories, this book emphasizes the importance of living in accordance with our values every single day, with practical suggestions for how to actually pull it off. "Christ doesn't just want people to acknowledge His grace," writes Wilcox. "He wants them to be transformed through it. He doesn't just want people to come to Him. He wants them to become like Him— a process that takes place 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, and throughout all the years of our lives."

#5 - In Wisdom & Order by Boyd K. Packer

We love learning from President Boyd K. Packer, who's spent 44 years as an apostle, and longer as a leader in the Church. This compilation highlights his very best conference addresses, mission presidents' seminars, and other speeches given over the past five decades. This illuminating book will instruct and inspire parents, youth, teachers, priesthood leaders, indeed, anyone who desires to learn at the feet of an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

#4 -I Will Lead You Along by Robert I. Easton & Henry J. Eyring

This new biography is hands down one of the most unique and in-depth looks we've ever seen into the life of an apostle, thanks in large part to the inclusion of excerpts from President Henry B. Eyring's personal journals. "The journal shows how a good-but-imperfect man works each day to win divine approval," write the authors, and this window into his past provides unforgettable insights about the man the Lord has shaped him to become.

Readers will love these richly designed pages, filled with photographs, sketches from the pen of President Eyring himself, and scores of entries straight from his journals woven into an engaging depiction of his life's journey.

#3 - Power to Become by David A. Bednar 

While this is the third in a landmark doctrinal trilogy written by apostle David A. Bednar, if you only have a limited amount of time for reading, this is the title you'll want to pick up. 

In Power to Become, Elder Bednar explores how the Savior makes possible His divine commission, "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect" (3 Nephi 12:48). Chapters in this thought-provoking book highlight the importance of the Atonement, the spiritual gift of personal peace, the importance of priesthood ordinances, and the responsibility we have to obey willingly and endure valiantly.

#2 - Power of Everyday Missionaries by Clayton M. Christensen

The popularity of this title, despite only being released last year, speaks for itself. Author Clayton M. Christensen set out to find a more effective approach to member missionary work--his findings and refreshing perspectives are presented in this book, which includes inspiring, unusual stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of the ideas. Chances are, you'll discover you're already doing a lot of the things mentioned, and with just a little tweak here and there, you'll be sharing the gospel naturally as part of your everyday interactions. Along the way, you'll feel the deep joy that comes from helping others discover the most precious blessing in the world: the gospel of Jesus Christ.

#1 - Women and the Priesthood by Sheri Dew

If you only have time to read one book from this list, this is it. In recent news, we've seen how the fact that women are not ordained to the priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is for some a sticking point, a hot topic, even a potential media controversy. Others aren't troubled by the issue at all. But wherever you fall on that spectrum, you'll be fascinated by this doctrinal exploration of a topic that is crucial for both women and men to understand.

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