In his April 2012 general conference talk, Elder Jeffery R. Holland said, "however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love."
But, there may be times when we feel God doesn't love us. So what do we do when we see someone we know or love struggling with these feelings of neglect? We asked our LDS Living readers this very same questions, and their responses were incredible. Here are just a few profound pieces of advice they shared for those who feel God doesn't love them.
Editorial note: The following responses have been edited for length and clarity.
1. Michael Robert Hancock: Even at the darkest of the human emotions when all feels lost, the Lord felt the same in His Atonement. He knows your exact feelings. And He was willing to suffer it all just for you. It's about you. It was for you. He is always there, especially when it seems hardest to see. He, too, felt alone on the cross and in the garden as His friends could not even stay awake. He knows the way out because He is the way out.
2. David Buckly Davis: Find yourself in service to others. I know it sounds crazy, but I myself had to do it. And it works marvelously! When you feel downtrodden and hopeless, go out and find someone that needs help.
3. Tobe Hamilton: Seek the light wherever you find it. . .
4. Jean Paulo Candido: Don’t you quit, don’t you give up, and don’t you dare doubt. His love does come after the trial of our faith. His love does come when we are in the deepest and darkest of times. The Spirit does testify of Him and brings the light of Christ into our lives when we pray, read the scriptures, keep the commandments, and go to the temple. His love is also everywhere in a quiet and peaceful place. His love does come; it may not be in a time we want but His love does come.
5. Britton J. Orwin: God DOES love you. He just works in mysterious ways and you have to trust that He knows what He’s doing.
6. Rachel Larson: I think it's important to take stock of where that feeling comes from. Do you feel like God abandoned you? Are you not getting answers to your prayers? Have you gone through something traumatic that makes you wonder why a loving God would put you through it?
God does love you. That's a fact. But the feeling of being unloved doesn't come from nowhere. Those feelings need to be addressed so that the relationship with God can be healed. I have actually found that saying prayers where I openly vent my feelings to God has helped me feel His love more fully.
7. Quinten Andrew Hamon: God is incapable of hate. Or dislike. He is your Heavenly Father and He went through life. He lived and died. He has eternal wisdom, eternal knowledge, and eternal love. He always has and will always love every single thing on this earth.