In the scriptures, the Savior affirms that we “shall see my face and know that I am” (Doctrine and Covenants 93:1). It should come as no surprise, then, that the Savior would appear to men and women in dreams. The children of God in all nations have His promise that He can manifest Himself to them. The Book of Mormon teaches, “He manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith” (2 Nephi 26:13). Certainly, the Lord is no respecter of persons when it comes to whom He will manifest Himself unto. . . .
The Savior teaches in the Doctrine and Covenants that “to some is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world” (Doctrine and Covenants 46:13). That knowledge—to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God—is worth more than all the riches in the world. That Jesus forgives us of our sins, mends our broken hearts, raises us up from beds of affliction, and calms our troubled souls are illustrated in [these accounts].
For those who have experienced dreams of Jesus Christ, there is a surprising similarity from one dream to another. Often an encounter with the Savior in a dream speaks of a kiss or an embrace where the recipient is wrapped in the warmth of His arms in an indescribable emotion of love that penetrates to the very soul of the dreamer. The Savior’s embrace leaves a lingering feeling of inexpressible joy and love for all mankind. Dreams of the Savior often communicate to the recipient that Christ knows of the dreamer’s trials, heartaches, difficulties, and challenges. Some dreams of the Savior recount the events of His ministry, including His Atonement and crucifixion, while other dreams of the Savior give comfort, warning, chastisement, or encouragement. Dreams of the Savior are a cherished gift.
"I Shall Never Forget That Smile"
Melvin J. Ballard
“When I was doing missionary work with some of our brethren, laboring among the Indians, seeking the Lord for light to decide certain matters pertaining to our work there, and receiving a witness from Him that we were doing things according to His will, I found myself one evening in the dreams of the night, in that sacred building, the Temple. After a season of prayer and rejoicing, I was informed that I should have the privilege of entering into one of those rooms, to meet a glorious Personage, and as I entered the door, I saw, seated on the raised platform, the most glorious Being my eyes ever have beheld, or that I ever conceived existed in all the eternal worlds. As I approached to be introduced, he arose and stepped towards me with extended arms, and he smiled as he softly spoke my name. If I shall live to be a million years old, I shall never forget that smile. He took me into his arms and kissed me, and pressed me to His bosom, and blessed me, until the marrow of my bones seemed to melt! When He had finished, I fell at His feet, and as I bathed them with my tears and kisses, I saw the prints of the nails in the feet of the Redeemer of the world. The feeling that I had in the presence of Him who hath all things in His hands, to have His love, His affection, and His blessings was such that if I ever can receive that of which I had but a foretaste, I would give all that I am, all that I ever hope to be, to feel what I then felt!”
Source: Bryant S. Hinckley, The Faith of Our Pioneer Fathers, 226–27.
"He Took Me in His Arms"
Mary Stevenson Clark
"I had a dream of seeing the Saviour. He took me in His arms. We sat in a circle. He blessed and kissed us. It was only the members who accepted the Gospel that sat in the circle. I told Mother my dream. She said it was a good dream and for me to be a good girl. I was about 7 years old."
Source: Mark L. McConkie, Remembering Joseph, 213.
“You Have Done It Unto Me"
Related by J. Richard Clarke
“Many years ago in a small town in the southern part of the state of Utah, my great grandmother was called to be the president of the Relief Society. During this period of our Church’s history there existed a very bitter and antagonistic spirit between the Mormons and the Gentiles. “In my great grandmother’s ward one of the young sisters married a gentile boy. This of course did not please either the Mormons or the Gentiles very much. In the course of time this young couple gave birth to a child. Unfortunately the mother became so ill in the process of childbirth that she was unable to care for her baby. Upon learning of this woman’s condition, great grandmother immediately went to the homes of the sisters in the ward and asked them if they would take a turn going into the home of this young couple to care for the baby. One by one these women refused and so the responsibility fell completely upon her. “She would arise early in the morning, walk what was a considerable distance to the home of this young couple where she would bathe and feed the baby, gather all that needed to be laundered and take it with her to her home. . . . One morning she felt too weak and sick to go. . . . However, as she lay in bed she realized that if she didn’t go the child would not be provided for. [With the help of the Lord,] she mustered all her strength and went. [When she returned home, exhausted, she] collapsed into a large chair and immediately fell into a deep sleep. She said that as she slept she felt as if she were consumed by a fire that would melt the very marrow of her bones. She . . . dreamed that she was bathing the Christ child and glorying in what a great privilege it would have been to have bathed the Son of God. Then the voice of the Lord spoke to her saying, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me.’”
Source: J. Richard Clarke, “Love Extends beyond Convenience,” 81.
“She Prayed He Would Never Look Away"
Related by Linda and Richard Eyre
"A friend of ours had a dream that she has never forgotten. Unlike most dreams that fade, this one somehow grows stronger. In it she was sitting on a mountainside overlooking a blue lake and listening to one who stood, speaking, holding his audience spellbound. She became aware that it was Christ, that he was giving the Sermon on the Mount. The feeling she remembers is one of awe and of fear: fear that he would look at her, that his eyes would meet hers, and that he would see into her, through her, discovering all her faults. She prayed that he would not look. "And then he did look at her, directly into her eyes. In an instant her fear was transformed into love. She knew that he saw all that she was, all that was inside her. But she also knew he would always love her. She was warmed and softened and lifted by his gaze. She prayed that he would never look away."
Source: Linda and Richard Eyre, Teaching Children Charity, 39.
“The Same Sense of Love”
George F. Richards (Related by Spencer W. Kimball)
“The Lord has revealed to men by dreams something more than I ever understood or felt before.” I heard this more than once in quorum meetings of the Council of the Twelve when George F. Richards was president. . . . He said, . . . "More than 40 years ago I had a dream which I am sure was from the Lord. In this dream I was in the presence of my Savior as he stood mid-air. He spoke no word to me, but my love for him was such that I have not words to explain. I know that no mortal man can love the Lord as I experienced that love for the Savior unless God reveals it to him. I would have remained in his presence, but there was a power drawing me away from him. “As a result of that dream, I had this feeling that no matter what might be required of my hands, what the gospel might entail unto me, I would do what I should be asked to do even to the laying down of my life. . . . “If only I can be with my Savior and have that same sense of love that I had in that dream, it will be the goal of my existence, the desire of my life.”
Source: Spencer W. Kimball, “The Cause Is Just and Worthy,” 119.
“A Lesson My Father Could Understand"
Related by Leon Hartshorn
“My father was a good man. He took good care of my mother for numerous years while she was ill before she passed away. He taught his children to be honest and upright. He always paid his tithing, but he did not attend Church. My father had worked in the mines much of his life, in an environment that did not usually invite the Spirit of God, and perhaps for this reason he did not think that he could be fully active and enjoy the full blessings of activity in the gospel. “When I had been married two or three years, I returned to my father’s home for a visit. As we sat down together, he said to me, ‘Son, I’ve had a dream. I dreamed I was standing on the edge of a cliff, and the Savior came riding toward me on a horse. He had a rope tied to the saddle and wrapped around the saddle horn. He reached the rope out to me and said, “Bob, I want you to lower me and my horse down this cliff.” I replied that this was impossible; there was no way one man could lower the weight of a horse and rider down a cliff. He responded, “Bob, lower me and my horse down the cliff.” So I took the end of the rope and lowered them down the cliff. To my surprise, it was not difficult at all. When the horse and rider arrived at the bottom of the cliff, he looked up and said, “Bob, drop the rope.” I dropped it, and he wound it around the saddle horn again. Then looking up at me from the bottom of the cliff, he said simply, “Bob, it’s just that easy for you to live my commandments if you will try.”’ It was a lesson my father could understand, a lesson in his own language of horses, riders, saddles, and ropes. Thereafter he would try whatever he was asked to do in the Church and was very active during the last twenty-five years of his life.”
Source: Stephen E. Robinson, Believing Christ, 79–80.
Lead image ofChrist Walking on the Water by Julius Sergius Von Klever; Wikimedia Commons.
Read more remarkable accounts of revelatory dreams and learn how God speaks to us through dreams in Dreams as Revelation.
Many times, the Lord's involvement with His children takes the form of significant dreams and visions.
In Dreams as Revelation, BYU Church history professors Mary Jane Woodger, Ken Alford, and Craig Manscill share prophetic guidance and other counsel to help readers recognize when a dream is revelatory in nature.
With a foreword by Robert L. Millet, this book includes chapters about scriptural dreams, dreams in Joseph Smith's family, as well as original accounts of carefully selected dreams received throughout our dispensation, including dreams of the Savior, temple work, comfort, and more. In addition to being personally applicable for how to better understand your own revelatory dreams, this interesting and informative book is a valuable resource for talks, lessons, and family home evenings.