1. TELL HER you love her.
2. Plan dinner and make it. (Try our really delicious AND healthy 400-calorie meals or our recommendations for quick and easy meals.)
3. Buy flowers just because.
4. Offer to care for the kids while she takes a bath or reads a book in bed. (You could even buy the book for her--try Josi Kilpack's newest culinary mystery, Baked Alaska, or Elder Scott's newest book 21 Principles: Divine Truths to Help You Live By the Spirit.
5. Do the dishes.
6. Turn off the game on TV just to spend some time together.
7. Make her a card from scratch (no matter how limited your skills--she'll love it so much more) and tell her how you feel about her.
8. Make the bed.
9. Arrange a ladies' night with her friends.
10. Encourage her to pursue activities and interests that can make her feel happy and pursued--and help her to be able to do so.
11. Hold her hand while you're at the grocery store or in the car.
12. Plan a date for the two of you and don't tell her what any of the plans are. (Check out our great list of 50 fun and cheap date ideas for inspiration.)
13. Make a list of things you love about her, write them on sticky notes, and hide them all over the house so she'll continue finding them throughout the week.
14. Thank her for things she does around the house regularly that you may take for granted, whether it's cooking, getting the kids ready for school each morning, or anything else.
15. Notice something she has mentioned needing to replace or been wanting and get it for her.
16. Go shopping with her to help pick out new clothes. She values your opinion and wants to know you think she looks good, and she wants to spend time with you.
17. Take care of finding the babysitter when the two of you want to go out.
18. While you are at work, send her a text message telling her how much you love her.
19. Give her a foot massage.
20. Post a love song to her Facebook wall.
21. Go for a walk together. (Just the two of you--no kids.)
22. Finally get around to that project she has been asking you to do.
23. Write her a poem. Not a poet? Finda classic poem online that reminds you of her.
24. Run some errands for her.
25. Give her a long kiss when you come home from work.
26. Pick out a movie she would love (but that you would normally veto) and watch it together.
27. On your next date, make an extra effort to look your best and get dressed up for her.
28. Like her blouse? Think her hair looks particularly nice that day? Tell her. Specific compliments go a long way.
29. Recreate your first date or other memorable moments during your courtship.
30. Put the cereal back in its place after breakfast and your clothes away at the end of the day.
31. Come home early from work one day with dinner in hand. (If you can't come home early, let her know beforehand that you've got dinner taken care of.)
32. Thank her often and verbally for being a wonderful wife and mother. Mention specific things you appreciate.
33. Take the trash out before she asks.
34. Find and frame an old photo of your early dating or married days. Give it to her for her nightstand or desk.
35. Tell her how beautiful she is. Often.
36. Buy her favorite book for her.
37. Give her hand a kiss.
38. Tell her what you loved most about her when you first met.
39. Tell her what you love most about her today.
40. Fill up her car for her.
41. Cuddle with her on the couch after the kids have gone to bed and let her tell you about her day.
42. Vacuum the house.
43. Treat her to a mani-pedi at the spa.
44. Leave a short and sweet note on the bathroom mirror for her.
45. Surprise her with a clean car.
46. Sit next to her in church rather than with all the kids between you.
47. Make a to-do list with her of all the things you'd like to do in the next year. (Fun things, big or small, not tasks!)
48. Go on an extra fancy date to the orchestra or something out of the norm.
49. Take a picture of her on your phone when you think she's being cute with the kids or any other time.
50. And, because it bears repeating: TELL HER you love her.
Read our companion article, 50 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him, here.