1. TELL HIM you love him.
2. Make his favorite meal. (Or introduce him to a new recipe that might become his new favorite: check out our manly menu for Father's Day, favorite grilling recipes, and casserole contest winners for inspiration.)
3. Leave a short & sweet note on the bathroom mirror for him.
4. Arrange for him to go golfing on a Saturday.
5. Say you're sorry first.
5. Iron his shirts for him.
6. Notice something he has mentioned needing to replace or has been wanting and get it for him. (Even something small, like new razor blades.)
7. Plan a date for the two of you and don't tell him what any of the plans are. (Check out our list of 50 great date ideas for cheap or free for some great ideas.)
8. Ask him what's one thing you could do that would help him feel more satisfied with life, then follow through.
9. Make a card from scratch (no matter how limited your skills) to tell him how you feel about him.
10. Pray for him--in your own prayers and your family/couple prayers, so he can hear.
11. Give him a foot rub.
12. Make a list of things you love about him, write them on sticky notes, and hide them all over the house so he'll continue finding them throughout the week.
13. Watch the ball game with him, and if you don't understand what's going on, ask questions--he'll appreciate your efforts and interest.
14. Ask his advice--then take it!
15. Thank him for the things he does around the house regularly--whether it's taking out the trash, sorting through the mail, managing bills, or anything else.
16. Find and frame an old photo of your early dating or married days. Give it to him to keep on his desk at work. (And on a related note, check out this classic photo of President Uchtdorf and his wife just after they were married.)
17. Take a night off to spend time with him, rather than listing all the things you need to do when he suggests relaxing with a movie.
18. Love yourself, and don't put yourself down. If you're happy, he'll be happy.
19. Encourage him to spend a night out with his friends.
20. Send him a text message during the day letting him know you're thinking about him.
21. Run some errands for him that he hasn't been able to get to--like taking the car to get the oil changed or picking up his dry cleaning.
22. Tell your children what you love about their dad.
23. Give him a long kiss once you're both home at the end of the day.
24. Pick out a movie he would love (but that you would normally veto) and watch it together.
25. Keep his confidences--your girlfriends don't need to know everything.
26. Start a hobby together.
27. On your next date, make an extra effort to look your best and get dressed up for him.
28. Don't nag him.
29. Thank him often and verbally for being a good husband and father. Mention specific things you appreciate.
30. Buy his favorite book for him, or buy him a new one you think he'd love, like No Excuses, No Regrets: The Eric Weddle Story.
31. Give him the TV remote.
32. Cuddle with him on the couch after the kids have gone to bed and ask him about his day.
33. Surprise him with a clean car and a full tank.
34. Make a to-do list with him of all the things you'd like to do with him in the next year. (Fun things, big or small, not tasks!)
35. Look at him appreciatively throughout the day--and let him catch you doing it.
36. Take a picture of him on your phone when you catch him doing something great or sweet, and set it as your background.
37. Look after him when he's sick.
38. Listen to him with undivided attention--no multi-tasking!
39. Tell him what you loved most about him when you first met.
40. Tell him what you love most about him today.
41. Buy him a gift card to his favorite lunch spot and put it in his wallet.
42. Surprise him with a romantic evening.
43. Think of his most annoying habit. Now, let it go.
44. Give him time to unwind after a long day's work without immediately adding to his to-do list or complaining about your day.
45. Support him in his goals and help him to pursue them.
46. Write him love notes and hide them in his suitcase when he goes on business trips.
47. Hold his hand while you're at the grocery store or in the car.
48. Rather than just asking him to take care of that household project, do it together.
49. Recreate your first date or other memorable moments during your courtship.
50. And, again, TELL HIM you love him.Read our companion article, 50 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her, here.