Latter-day Saint Life

4 simple ways to help ‘Come, Follow Me’ feel special (and fun)

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This list of creative ideas will breathe new life into your gospel study.
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We’re nearing the end of the year, the days are getting shorter, school is back in session, and life is busy again. With all the commotion, maybe you’ve lost some steam when it comes to doing Come, Follow Me, individually or with your family.

But don’t fret. We’ve compiled a list of fun and simple ideas we love that will breathe new life into your gospel study.

1. Make the Atmosphere Special 

Making small but enchanting additions to the atmosphere of your Come, Follow Me study at home can be a game changer!

If you’re not sure where to start, try thinking “magical.”

Here are some ideas:

  • Study Come, Follow Me in the dark with flashlights or by candlelight. 
  • Light a scented candle before you begin your study. 
  • Use a specific essential oil or lotion to ground your senses. 
  • Curate a calming playlist to listen to as you read. 
  • Buy small chocolates or other snacks that you reserve just for scripture study.
  • Study with a blanket or while snuggling with your kids or spouse.

2. Shake Up the Location 

Doing Come, Follow Me in a new place may help sharpen your focus and add some excitement to the weekly readings. Try out one of the following places for your next study or gospel discussion:

  • Your porch or backyard 
  • Listening in the car on the way to school or between errands 
  • A random room in your house or apartment 
  • A hike or walk 
  • A park 
  • A friend or family member’s house 
  • The kitchen table 
  • The floor 
  • A restaurant or cafe 
  • Make a pillow fort, or even set up a tent  

3. Change Up the Structure 

Creating variety in the structure of Come, Follow Me study can help you maintain your or your kids’ interest in the material. This can look like:

  • Memorizing a short scripture verse in one sitting or longer verses over the course of a week 
  • Contributing thoughts in a Come, Follow Me group chat with family or friends 
  • Writing insights on a family whiteboard at home throughout the week 
  • Scheduling a video call with family or friends to discuss the reading 
  • Listening to or singing a hymn that aligns with the week’s Come, Follow Me theme 
  • Watching a gospel video from the Church website (see below) 
  • Coloring a scripture story from the Scripture Stories for Young Readers or Coloring Books on the Church website (see below) 
  • Using special pens, stickers, color-coordination, or stationery for your study 
  • Setting a study goal and deciding a prize for accomplishing it 

4. Explore Different Church Resources 

  • Church Magazines:

    Each Church magazine has an age-appropriate Come, Follow Me section dedicated to the reading for that month. And, good news—subscriptions became free this year! Here’s what each magazine offers:

    • The Friend: Features Come, Follow Me games, activities, and a simplified scripture story for children 
    • For the Strength of Youth: Features an article for teens about a story or person from the Come, Follow Me reading 
    • The Liahona: Features a Come, Follow Me article and study help for adults and an art piece associated with the month’s reading 

    Click here to subscribe to the print magazines. Digital access to each magazine is also available through the Gospel Library App and

  • Gospel for Kids App:

    This kid-friendly app has narrated scripture stories from the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants. It also has digital coloring pages, sing-along videos from the Children’s Songbook, and a link to the Gospel Library App for access to more children’s content.

Remember—You Can Trust Simplicity

As Alma the Younger taught, “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.”

Don’t underestimate the power that a small and simple change can bring to your gospel study. Through consistent and achievable efforts to connect with Him, Heavenly Father will be able to reach you and give you the messages you need to hear.

For more inspiration on gospel study, read the articles below:

Power hour: Try this simple Sunday activity to receive more revelation as a family
Ponder this compelling question next time you want revelation
How can I know when I’m receiving personal revelation? These 2 tips might help
Elder Andersen’s simple tip will help anyone learn to love the scriptures

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