Latter-day Saint Life

The sweetest, shortest new hymn every child needs to hear

A group of six children singing.
In just four lines, this song teaches meaningful gospel truths for kids and parents alike.
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As a mother of a four-year-old who loves music, one of the nine new hymns added to the Church’s hymnbook recently in particular stood out to me. Not only because it’s likely intended for kids but because, in just four lines of text, this song is as simple as it is sweet and teaches meaningful gospel truths for kids and parents alike.

Listen to the song below, and find the gospel messages from “Anytime, Anywhere” that I loved most.

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1. I Really Can Pray Anytime and Anywhere

I love what the Church’s Come Unto Christ page on prayer says:

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This song reaffirms that truth. For kids, it teaches them that they can not only pray at home but also pray at school, pray when playing outside, pray with friends, pray at dance practice, pray during their basketball game—whenever they need Heavenly Father’s help. And for us adults, it’s a reminder that we can pray in the car, pray at work, pray in a hospital, pray when things are good, and pray when things are hard.

2. God Is In the Details of the Details

As God is listening to our “anytime, anywhere” prayers, it’s also important to remember that He cares about us. And if we know how deeply He cares, it might help us—kids and adults—feel more comfortable praying anytime and anywhere.

Elder Chi Hong (Sam) Wong of the Seventy said, “God is our Heavenly Father. He loves all of us. He knows our potential way better than we know ourselves. He knows not only the details of our lives. God knows the details of the details of the details of our lives.”

And in knowing all those details, as a loving Heavenly Father, He can bless us in small and big ways as He answers those prayers.

3. Heavenly Guidance Surrounds Me

The simple lyric, “I can listen for heavenly guidance” is such a good reminder for all of us to be actively listening.

And we can be actively listening for that guidance anytime, anywhere—no matter what else is going on in our lives. In fact, we probably should be listening for His voice anytime and anywhere. Because if we are in tune with the Spirit, those promptings can come as answers to prayer and sources of comfort, safety, and peace.

4. The Spirit Will Guide Me as I Seek His Light

This might be my favorite line from this short song. I love the reminder that the Holy Ghost can guide us in our lives—anytime and anywhere—but that we first need to seek God’s light and inspiration to have that constant companionship.

Like Elder Ronald A. Rasband said, “Our lives are like a chessboard, and the Lord moves us from one place to another—if we are responsive to spiritual promptings. Looking back, we can see His hand in our lives.”

You can listen to this and all the other songs in the new hymnbook—with more additions coming soon—here.

For more about powerful music and the new hymnbook, check out these articles:

 ‘Amazing Grace’ is now in the hymnbook. See the Book of Mormon verses listed with it
► The most moving rendition of ‘I Need Thee Every Hour’ we’ve ever heard
► What’s an ‘Eben-ezer’? The true meaning behind 2 ‘Come, Thou Fount’ lyrics to comfort any wandering heart

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