From the Church

30-Second Church Video Will Make You Cry (in the Best of Ways)


It's still not too late to join in on the Church's unique and powerful advent calendarwhich provides 25 ways we can all serve during the 25 days leading up to Christmas.

Today's video, which focuses on having compassion and mercy for others, is one that is particularly moving. As noted on Facebook, "The most succinct verse in the Bible tells us simply that, 'Jesus wept.' Like Him, we can respond to suffering with compassion, mercy, and healing."

Here are just a few ways the Church is encouraging all of us to serve today: 

Pray for an opportunity today to show someone compassion.
Participate in a local sub-for-Santa for a family that could use some holiday cheer.
Try leaving only encouraging comments on social media.
Find a account of a family or person in need and donate to the account.
Don’t be afraid to look a homeless person in the eye and smile.
Volunteer to babysit the children of a single parent so he or she can finish Christmas shopping.
Make a simple sacrifice for someone else, whether it’s giving up a seat on the train or letting someone else have the perfect parking space.

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