Temple Worship

3 simple questions to ask yourself each time you participate in the endowment

An instruction room in the Rome Italy Temple.
An instruction room in the Rome Italy Temple.

Participating in the temple endowment is a powerful opportunity to receive spiritual knowledge from God. As we seek divine insights and direction for our lives, it can sometimes be helpful to attend the temple with specific questions in mind.

In his book The Holy Invitation, Dr. Anthony Sweat suggests we can prepare to receive revelation by reflecting on these three questions during the endowment:

    • What does the Lord want me to know from this experience?
    • What does the Lord want me to feel from this experience?
    • What does the Lord want me to do because of this experience?

    This simple approach allows us to focus on different aspects of spiritual learning and receive personal direction from God during our endowment experiences. As Dr. Sweat writes:

    “The scriptures and words of the prophets repeatedly teach us that gaining the things of God requires our mind (know), our heart (feel), and our actions (do). This tripod of truth demands our whole being: the mind, the spirit, and the body.”


    In our world of nearly instant search-engine answers, sometimes we can fall into the trap of expecting to receive spiritual answers in the temple all at once. But the Lord’s learning pattern often requires gradual growth, consistent effort, and divine assistance.

    “Even if you are mentally active and seek to ‘know’ as you worship in the temple, you may not learn something new from the endowment each time you participate,” Dr. Sweat writes. “Some things come together slowly over time and through repeated visits, which is why there is a need to be patient and to return often.”

    Temple symbols, imagery, and rituals may not always provide quick answers, but they allow us to gain essential spiritual knowledge that we can receive in no other way. And as we ask ourselves what the Lord wants us to know each time we participate in the endowment, the Lord will help us understand what we need to learn (or be reminded of) that day—“line upon line, precept upon precept.”


    The house of the Lord is the ideal place to feel spiritual impressions. While we each experience the Holy Ghost’s influence differently, He can speak to our hearts in the ways we need through the temple endowment.

    Dr. Sweat suggests that our feelings while participating in the endowment ordinances might include inspiring sensations or promptings, such as:

    • A desire to repent or forgive
    • Increased trust in God and love for Him and His children
    • A surge of hope, optimism, awe, or humility

    However, he also recommends we should pay attention to feelings of discomfort, which can reveal important spiritual direction:

    “[Remember] that many people feel uncertain when experiencing something unfamiliar, even when it’s right and good. Rest assured, ‘All that occurs within the walls of the temple is uplifting and ennobling,’ but don’t confuse being uplifted with being fully comfortable and familiar. To uplift means to edify, to grow, or to bring nearer to God (see Doctrine and Covenants 50:20–22). God desires our growth and development, but that growth usually requires some discomfort to move us off of spiritual beaches where we have been resting too long. Don’t flee from this discomfort or think it erroneous. Like Jacob, wrestle with what God and His angels place in front of you (see Genesis 32:24–30). This wrestle will enable God to bless you to see Him more clearly.”

    If mental or physical health challenges make it difficult to feel peace or discern the Spirit in the temple, prayerfully seek solutions to help make the experience more comfortable for your situation. You can always speak with an ordinance worker if you need help or support before, during, or after an endowment session.

    ▶You may also like: A realization about the word ‘endowment’ to bring more peace to your temple worship


    The endowment covenants are not simply one-time promises—they’re part of a lifelong process of learning to live and become like God.

    As we reflect on what the Lord would have us do when we participate in the endowment, we can receive answers about what to focus on in our daily lives and how God wants us to use our time.

    “The ultimate purpose of these holy covenants is to help us learn how, through the grace of God, to attain a sanctified celestial character so that we can abide in a celestial glory,” Dr. Sweat writes. “This isn’t a gospel of only ‘knowing’ or even ‘doing,’ but is ultimately a gospel of becoming.”

    A House of Revelation

    By reflecting on these three questions during temple endowment ordinances, we can receive eternal truth and direction designed for our entire selves—mind, spirit, and body. As we make attending the temple a priority and seek further light and knowledge, God will bless us with “the ongoing spiritual strengthening and tutoring that is possible only in the house of the Lord.”

    “Remember, your endowment is not meant to be a one-time audience with your Heavenly King,” Dr. Sweat writes. “He invites you to repeatedly return to learn of His purposes and plans. The endowment ordinances, like the Lord’s parables, are layered in meaning, and there is a lifetime of knowledge and experience to discern within the temple walls. In fact, there is eternal knowledge waiting for you to uncover.”

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    The Holy Invitation

    You may feel a little intimidated when you’re preparing to enter the temple for the first time. Fortunately, this book can help. It offers answers about the endowment by providing a frame for you to understand the purposes and procedures of its ordinances. Explore the temple endowment from three different vantage points: the why, the what, and the how, so that when you go to the temple—whether for the first time or the hundredth—you can more fully absorb the learning and truth the Lord has in store for you. The Lord has extended to each one of us a holy invitation: an invitation to enter His house, to learn of Him and His ways, and to prepare to return to His presence and receive a fullness of His exalting blessings. Learn how you can accept the invitation the Lord has extended to you personally and find profound meaning in the sacred temple endowment.

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