This story was originally published in January 2018 and has been updated in honor of Elder Christofferson's birthday.
Happy birthday, Elder D. Todd Christofferson! Seventy-seven years ago on January 24, 1945, Elder Christofferson was born to Paul and Jeanne Christofferson. We'd like to help celebrate this Apostle with some of our favorite photos from Elder Christofferson’s life.
Elder Christofferson as a young boy. Image from

Elder Christofferson embracing a Church member. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson with children in the Solomon Islands. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson as the donkey in a reenactment of the Christmas story with his children. Image from Facebook.

Little Todd with his father, Paul. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson when he was first called as an apostle in April general conference 2008. Image from Deseret News.

Elder Christofferson with Latter-day Saints in Brazil in 2017. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson reading to his family. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson with children of Amish converts to the Church in Ohio. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson with Elder Perry during general conference. Image from Church Newsroom.

Elder Christofferson served as the law clerk for Judge John J. Sirica during the Watergate trials. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson meeting members of other faiths. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson with his wife, Kathy, in Greece. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson presenting a copy of the Book of Mormon to World Peace University President Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad in 2017. Image from Church Newsroom.

Elder Christofferson shaking the hand of a young member of the Church. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson welcoming new Catholic Bishop in Utah. Image fromChurch Newsroom.

Elder Christofferson as a teenager. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson greeting members of the Church from around the world. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson greeting members of the Church from around the world. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson greeting members of the Church from around the world. Image from Facebook.

Elder Christofferson receiving the 2017 Philosopher Saint Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize on behalf of the Church in Pune, India. Image from Facebook.