With communities around the world practicing social distancing to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, life can feel a bit lonely at times. Despite the distance, Latter-day Saints have been finding ways to express their love to others through service.
From “toilet papering and egging” houses to assembling kits for making lemonade when “life gives you lemons,” there are plenty of ways to stay connected. If you’d like reach out and serve but aren’t sure how to get started, check out these LDS Living posts on Facebook and Instagram to see more ways Latter-day Saints have been serving.
In the meantime, here are a few responses from our social media followers on how they are getting involved. Responses have been edited for clarity.
Laura Ross Johansen: My grandkids and I decided to deliver bread, art supplies, and drinks to several homes today. Along the way we gave cookies, water, and money to a homeless man. We were all in tears of gratitude of how blessed we are.
Karen Parsons Davis: Picked fresh lemons from my son's tree and put together "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" kits. Two lemons, six tablespoons of sugar, and a note. Dropped them on people's doorsteps and let them know they were there by phone.
Eileen-Rick Bremner: Talked to my neighbors who are alone. They opened their doors and we visited about 10 feet apart.
Natalie Reheis: Our 12–13 year old young women class is writing letters to those in our ward we think might be lonely. 😀
Michelle DeHart Melville: As a librarian I have had a couple people reach out to me for books. So, we have made a few book porch drops.
Becky Cannon Clark: We own a donut shop and delivered donuts to those I know aren’t too worried about our “germs” today. It felt good to be able to bring smiles to a few families.
Kendy Vanessa Gonzalez: When going out, we grabbed wipes for a couple homes with a baby. Also keeping in contact with the sisters we minister to. Checking in on my friends.
Janeen Shawcroft: Made 20 batches of play dough for the kids in our neighborhood.
Eileen-Rick Bremner: Also went to see our 103-year-old friend and stood outside her window and visited with signs.
suziham6: Getting and finding groceries for friends that can’t find what they need! And delivering them!🧻🥚🍞
becca8602: Serving at the Bishops' Storehouse. We were divided into groups of 10. My group [filled] the orders in the grocery store. Another group worked in the warehouse pulling items that needed to be restocked. It was amazing to see everyone work together in such a systematic, selfless way.
marypwalton: Doing indexing everyday!
ladybugz143: In our ward/neighborhood we have organized via email that every three days (those who choose to) will place a specific picture (such as a heart, then three days later a sun, etc.) in a window at their house. As families take their children on walks, the kids can count how many [pictures] they see.
The parents are explaining to the kids [that] they aren’t just pictures, it is people who care about you, are cheering for you, and support you. We are helping the young not feel as alone in this new uncertainty and remind them that people love and care about them. 💖
emiander: A bunch of friends with kids decided to go pick up trash. We picked areas and then went at the same time and shared photos on [Facebook]. We were serving together but not in the same location. Super fun.
janeurie3: Having pizza delivered to our missionaries who are in quarantine 😊
theblackpumpkin: I have been using the Marco Polo app to gather women, tell stories, study together, and bear testimony. It's great because the way the platform is set up, everyone gets a turn to speak in a little video message and you can see the light in their eyes and [see] their beautiful faces and hear their voices. It really does feel like being together! We have shared scriptures and testimonies with non-members and seen miracles happen and hearts opened to #hearhim.
mama_spinosa: We have been providing sack lunches each day for children in our community who depend on school lunches for food. It has been a great way for our kids to appreciate how serving helps lighten the current load we’re all under.
Matthew Wheeler: I’m only buying from a local small business. He’s really struggling since the COVID-19 broke out.
Deirdre Lynn Davis We doorbell ditched two neighbors and gave them toilet paper and eggs, “We have egged and toilet papered you!” It was fun ❤️
Dale Goodwin: As a member of our ward Sunday School Presidency, we set up a Facebook page for the Come, Follow Me curriculum for members in the ward to use and share thoughts and impressions.
Amy Elison Wylykanowitz: Dropped off toilet paper to a friend who was down with Influenza B during the great [toilet paper] run of 2020 last week and she had messaged that she was down to four rolls. Funny enough, I was at the pharmacy for something else and there was a 12 pack just sitting there. I put it on her porch and texted her a photo saying she better hurry up and get it before the neighbors saw 😄
Meghan McGuire Mitchell: We “heart attacked” a little girl in our neighborhood whose birthday was today to help her feel special since she couldn’t celebrate with friends. We also heart attacked my son’s friend who he misses playing with.
Rebecca Kojm: I took a 79-year-old sister to the doctor’s, a bank, and four pharmacies. Not quite isolated, but all necessary.
Ashleen Buchter: I had my daughters make pictures for older sisters in our ward who are in a nursing home since they aren’t allowing visitors.
Mark Urry: I dropped off a bag of fresh oranges to my ministering families. Left the bag on the porch, texted them & then enjoyed follow up text conversations of appreciation.