This story was originally published in February 2018 and has been updated in honor of Elder Rasband's birthday.
Before being called as president of New York New York North Mission in 1996 and then a general authority in 2000, Elder Rasband served as president and chief operating officer of Huntsman Chemical Corporation. Elder Ronald A. Rasband married Melanie Twitchell in the Salt Lake Temple on September 4, 1973, and they are the parents of five children.
Check out some of our favorite photos of this beloved apostle:

Elder Rasband and Elder Renlund at general conference. Image from Newsroom.

Image of Elder and Sister Rasband with their grandson, Paxton, who passed away. Image from Facebook.
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Elder and Sister Rasband on their wedding day on September 4, 1973. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband receiving the game ball during the 2017 BYU vs. Utah game. Image from Deseret News.

Elder Rasband meeting with Primary children in Harlem. Image from Facebook.

Elder and Sister Rasband with Latter-day Saint personnel at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Image from Church News.

Elder Rasband with his wife and five children. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband with Mormon Helping Hands in Houston. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband as a missionary serving in the Eastern States Mission from 1970 to 1972. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband arm wrestling with the youth. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband visiting members in Mexico. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband meeting with Saints in India. Image from Mormon Hub.

Elder Rasband meeting with Vice President Joe Biden. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband with his parents, Verda Anderson Rasband and Rulon Hawkins Rasband. Image from

Elder Rasband at the Utah Capitol. Image from KSL.

Elder Rasband with the youth in Brazil. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband as a teenager. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband meeting with Saints around the world. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband presenting the President of Nicaragua with a Christus. During this meeting, Elder Rasband bore his testimony of the Savior, prophets, and many other aspects of the gospel. Image from Facebook.

Elder Rasband with his family after being called as an apostle in October 2015. Image from
Elder and Sister Rasband served as mission president and wife of the New York New York mission. Here they pose with some missionaries. Image from Facebook.