If you want to improve your family gospel study:
Designed to help you plan, prepare and organize gospel teaching in your home, these companion workbooks to Come, Follow Me will help you create meaningful family study sessions. Beautiful images, inspired questions and conference connections help you prepare yourself spiritually. Space to journal and record thoughts and impressions, teaching plan pages and weekly scripture phrase pages are thoughtfully designed to help you implement your weekly teaching and learning plans. Weekly summary and check-in pages help you focus, reflect and record how the week's study has gone, the lows and highs.
This workbook is the perfect companion for teens to study Come, Follow Me on their own or with the family. Thoughtful and relevant design, 205 pages divided into 50 weeks, plus additional pages for general conference notes.
Designed especially for young ones ages 3–11, children will love coloring each week's title page to make it their own. Other weekly features are "In My Own Words" scripture pages with verses from the week's reading to read and write their interpretation; "Tell a Story" pages with graphic novel type boxes and prompts for how to relate the scripture stories to life; and a place each week to record questions, plan service, and set goals.
In this book, Elder Andersen writes especially to those who are "awakening" unto God—those who are just beginning to discover or who seek the divine gifts and power of repentance and forgiveness in their lives. The Divine Gift of Forgiveness is organized in such a way that readers can choose the section or chapter that applies most to them and study it without having to have read from cover to cover. Leaders can similarly recommend specific chapters to those with whom they work. Filled with powerful doctrine along with stories and experiences, this book will help all readers become more devoted disciples of the Savior.
You've read the Book of Mormon before, but Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler, hosts of the popular YouTube scripture-study channel Don't Miss This, have created a new approach that will change the way you read your scriptures.
These great teachers, whose love for the scriptures is contagious, explore the significance of one verse from each chapter of the Book of Mormon, showing you how to dig deep and find personal application of God's word. Along with short, devotional-style lessons, their invitations will lead you to a more meaningful personal study of the Book of Mormon and vibrant discussions with your family and friends about its teachings.
The Book of Mormon, Journal Edition, provides the space you need to write down the thoughts and inspiration you receive as you read and study the scriptures. With extended margins for notes and reflection, this new format will allow you to write your thoughts directly in your scriptures and easily find them again in times of need. Suited for every stage of life, this book will help increase your connection to your most treasured verses and make your personal scripture study even more meaningful.
Best-selling author and acclaimed psychologist Wendy Ulrich explains how, following the Savior's examples, women can act within priesthood authority and covenants to fulfill their individual missions, help save the human family, and empower rising generations. By qualifying for the gifts of the Holy Ghost and the temple endowment, women can nourish, teach, serve, pray, lead, heal, parent, prophesy, minister, and testify with priesthood power.
In The Priesthood Power of Women, author Barbara Morgan Gardner explores teachings of the living prophets and scriptures to increase our understanding of God's power as it operates in the temple, the Church, and the family. Her well-documented research demonstrates that women have more authority and power in all those settings than they may have previously supposed.
In this beautiful book, Elder Holland shares his notes and insights about the many names of Christ he has studied in his 25-plus years as an Apostle. He promises that "as we study these titles to learn more about who He was and is, we will find ourselves learning more about who we are and what we may become." In doing so, we will gain a greater understanding of our covenants and how each of us can more fully bear witness of Christ's holy name.
In Women and the Priesthood, Sheri Dew discusses the varying responsibilities of men and women in the context of key doctrine of the Church, including the eternal truths that women are vital to the success of the Lord's church, that God expects women to receive revelation, and that both men and women have access to God's highest spiritual blessings.
Insights from a Prophet's Life offers a candid view of President Russell M. Nelson, the seventeenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from childhood to the current day. More than a biography, this landmark volume invites readers to experience President Nelson's life through dozens of brief vignettes and hundreds of photographs. Each episode highlights an important lesson; taken together, they weave a captivating story of a man prepared in a unique way to lead the Church in our day.
If you want to get to the temple more often
In President Packer’s characteristic warmth and authoritative manner, he examines in appropriate detail the doctrines and practices surrounding the holy temples that dot the world. This timely and valuable book will help members at every stage of life as it focuses on a temple’s purpose, beauty, and the blessings it offers.
This practical and functional temple bag backpack offers functionality without sacrificing style. The outside of the bag features one large velcro pocket and a small vertical zipper pocket.
The Jennifer dress features a natural waistline and is made of 100% polyester, making this simple dress comfortable and classy. Additionally, two large pockets will make carrying any item a breeze.
Temple Square offers beauty year-round, but I enjoy it most during the spring when the trees begin to blossom. I was walking through a warm, light spring drizzle when this scene offered itself as a photograph. I knew instantly that this was what I had been looking for and quickly took a picture.This picture has inspired me to return often to capture the grandeur that only a temple can provide. — James F. Reynolds
The Robert Temple Bag has two small zipper pockets on the outside, with another zipper pocket on the front for easy access. The main zipper pocket opens to the inside of the bag and features a velcro enclosure and three more pockets for all your temple needs.
If you want to make your home a place of peace:
Using a powerful yet clean style, with only the most important elements included, this portrait of the Savior celebrates our faith that He lives, and that He is there. Paper print with torn edges, floating under glass, and framed in warm golds and pronounced black edges.
See the Book of Mormon come to life like never before in this series of short videos depicting stories and sacred teachings of the keystone of our religion. Produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, these videos will help you more fully understand the truths taught in the Book of Mormon and strengthen your testimony of its divine origins.
Nicolas Giusti (an acclaimed Italian composer and opera conductor from Rome) met Gerald Causse (an accomplished pianist and native of Bordeaux, France) 10 years ago. They became fast friends and bonded over their love of playing the piano and their shared faith. For this album, Nicolas composed piano duet arrangements of classic hymns with the purpose of sharing the joy of the gospel. Together they turn traditionally somber renditions into surprisingly joyful celebrations.
This awe-inspiring cultured marble Christus statue depicts Jesus Christ just as the scriptures describe Him, beckoning to us with open arms in a most pleasant manner as if saying: “Come unto me.”
Missionary John H. Groberg returns to Tonga in the 1960s with his wife and their five young daughters. When their sixth child is born with a serious illness, the Grobergs face their ultimate test of faith and find themselves surrounded by the love and prayers of thousands of Tongans. Barriers of inter-religious strife are soon broken down as all unite in hopes of a miracle that will save the baby's life, as well as the life of a Tongan minister's son.
Include this beautiful canvas print in your home today! Some inspiration from Sheri Dew reminds us that we have always been noble, great, and courageous! This would make a perfect accessory to any bedroom or a conversation starter at the office. Pick one up today!