Did you know laughter makes you more attractive, relieves stress, strengthens relationships, and burns calories?
No doubt about it, a little clean humor can bring a whole lot of good to your life, so take a few minutes to make your day a little brighter by checking out these 20 comics by Arie Van De Graaff that capture so much of what we love about Mormon culture.
When Arie Van De Graaff was a missionary in the MTC, he drew a cartoon missionary on the outside of each envelope he mailed home. The response from his family was so positive that he was soon including a cartoon strip inside the envelope with every letter home. Since then, Van De Graaff has created hundreds of gags celebrating LDS culture.
He uses his art to entertain his wife and four children and is regularly featured in the New Era and the Friend magazines.
Van De Graaff has also published four books including The Puzzle Book for LDS Kids and Now That I am Baptized, as well as a number of iOS apps. Visit his website at mormoncartoonist.comto see more of his work as well as to sign up for a weekly newsletter that provides an LDS-themed activity page to your inbox every Friday.