Did you get a new phone or tablet for Christmas? Check out these awesome deals on eBooks you'll want to download right away! Included are some of our favorite novels by Latter-day Saint authors, books that will strengthen your faith, and many great books from the apostles.
by Sheri Dew
$14.99—save 57%
Insights from a Prophet's Life offers a candid view of President Russell M. Nelson, the 17th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from childhood to the current day. More than a biography, this landmark volume invites readers to experience President Nelson's life through dozens of brief vignettes and hundreds of photographs. Each episode highlights an important lesson; taken together, they weave a captivating story of a man prepared in a unique way to lead the Church in our day.
by Wendy Watson Nelson
$9.99—save 47%
God speaks to His prophet on the earth today. And He will speak to you, too. That is the powerful testimony of Sister Wendy W. Nelson, wife of President Russell M. Nelson, as she shares her personal witness of truths that will increase our capacity to receive and act on revelation from the heavens. In this volume, she offers a number of ideas for things we can do—and stop doing—in order to understand the Spirit’s direction more clearly. “All I have witnessed, all I have experienced tells me that our Father wants to communicate with each one of His children and will do so commensurate with our desire and earnest seeking,” writes Sister Nelson. This remarkable book will help readers learn how to open that door.
by Jeffrey R. Holland
$9.99—save 50%
When Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was first called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, he quickly learned that "among the most important responsibilities [he] had was to be one of the 'special witness of the name of Christ in all the world'" (Doctrine and Covenants 107:23). This understanding prompted a habit in his scripture study of "jotting down or otherwise noting the references to Jesus's various names: in the standard works. With study, "the name of Christ was growing and swelling, expanding and emerging into the names of Christ." In this beautiful book, Elder Holland shares his notes and insights about the many names of Christ he has studied in his 25+ years as an Apostle. He promises that "as we study these titles to learn more about who He was and is, we will find ourselves learning more about who we are and what we may become." In doing so, we will gain a greater understanding of our covenants and how each of us can more fully bear witness of Christ's holy name.
by Emily Belle Freeman, David Butler
$11.99—save 33%
You've read the Book of Mormon before, but Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler, hosts of the popular YouTube scripture study channel "Don't Miss This," have created a new approach that will change the way you read your scriptures. These great teachers, whose love for the scriptures is contagious, explore the significance of one verse from each chapter of the Book of Mormon, showing you how to dig deep and find personal application of God's word. Along with short, devotional-style lessons, their invitations will lead you to a more meaningful personal study of the Book of Mormon and vibrant discussions with your family and friends about its teachings. You may also enjoy looking for your personal "don't miss this" verses as you study on your own. Designed to be read quickly and shared every day, these entries will help you rediscover just how completely the teachings and truths of the Book of Mormon will enrich your life.
by Barbara Morgan Gardner
$9.99—save 50%
With changes happening in the Church to focus on the paramount importance of the home, Latter-day Saints are striving more than ever to understand and call upon the power of God. This includes a renewed emphasis on priesthood power. Some are surprised to learn that priesthood authority, privileges, and power apply to women as well as men. Our limited understanding often stems from the doctrine of the priesthood being taught too narrowly. This has led to many women feeling undervalued, voiceless, and marginalized regarding the priesthood. But it need not be that way. In The Priesthood Power of Women, author Barbara Morgan Gardner explores teachings of the living prophets and scriptures to increase our understanding of God's power as it operates in the temple, the Church, and the family. Her well-documented research demonstrates that women have more authority and power in all those settings than they may have previously supposed.
by Dan Burr, Tyler McKellar
$13.99—save 44%
The Book of Mormon Family Reader will help your family discover and discuss the eternal doctrine found in the Book of Mormon, drawing you closer together as a family and closer to Christ. This new abridged format, suited for every age and stage of life, makes meaningful scripture study an attainable goal for every family.
by Robert L. Millet
$14.99—save 46%
"Suppose we had the teachings, covenants, ordinances, organizational structure, apostolic leadership, and missionary system of the current Church and yet there was no gift of the Holy Ghost? What then?" asks author Robert L. Millet. As Brother Millet shows us in this engaging and doctrinally sound discussion, the Holy Spirit is intimately involved in every aspect and facet of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is, for example, a revelator, teacher, testifier, comforter, agent of the new birth, sanctifier, and sealer, to name only a few of His roles. In The Holy Spirit, Brother Millet focuses our attention on the person of the Holy Ghost and examines His varied assignments in a way that is both spiritually strengthening and intellectually enlarging. Nothing has been written about the Holy Spirit with as much breadth and depth for decades.
by Dean Hughes
$13.99—save 46%
When Brigham Young summons young Morgan Davis to his office and calls him to join other missionaries in settling the Muddy River Valley (what is now Nevada), Morgan can't imagine what lies in store. He has just two weeks to find a wife and gather enough belongings to help start a settlement. As Morgan and his new bride, Angeline, travel the long trail south in a covered wagon, they fall in love and connect with the other Saints. But the desert location on the Muddy River soon becomes a physical and emotional test for all of them. Together they face difficult requests from Church leaders, multiple failed attempts to settle, deaths of loved ones, and then perhaps the ultimate challenge—polygamy. What do stalwart members do when faced with conflicting feelings between what their hearts tell them and the hard instructions from Salt Lake City? Morgan and Angeline are about to find out.
by David Butler
$9.99—save 38%
For the woman in the temple courtyard, He knelt close as Emmanuel; for David, He tenderly cared like a Shepherd; for Nathanael, He showed His strength as a King. Jesus is given over a hundred unique names in scripture. Each one of them tells a story—a story about who He is, what He does, and how He shows up in our individual lives. The name Redeemer comes from a Hebrew word that means someone who will rescue or save by any means. Some days that is as a sacrificing Lamb, and other days it is as a loyal Advocate. Who Jesus was in the past—the Good Shepherd, the Mighty Jehovah, the Unfailing Deliverer—is who He still is today. As we learn about how He came into the lives of those in the scriptures, we begin to anticipate and see how He comes into our own stories.
by Brad Wilcox
$7.99—save 27%
As members of the Church, we are often told to obey commandments because we are children of God or because we have been saved for the last days. But isn't everyone on earth right now a child of God who has been saved? What sets Latter-day Saints apart? We have a birthright! We have been given much—temporally and spiritually. Now it is time for us to use what we have been given to make an eternal difference for people throughout the world—in other words, to gather Israel. "Don't let the world change you," writes Brad Wilcox, "when you were born to change the world!"
by Craig K. Manscill, Kenneth L. Alford, Mary Jane Woodger
$14.99—save 42%
Many times, the Lord's involvement with His children takes the form of significant dreams and visions. In Dreams as Revelation, BYU Church history professors Mary Jane Woodger, Ken Alford, and Craig Manscill share prophetic guidance and other counsel to help readers recognize when a dream is revelatory in nature. With a foreword by Robert L. Millet, this book includes chapters about scriptural dreams, dreams in Joseph Smith's family, as well as original accounts of carefully selected dreams received throughout our dispensation, including dreams of the Savior, temple work, comfort, and more. In addition to being personally applicable for how to better understand your own revelatory dreams, this interesting and informative book is a valuable resource for talks, lessons, and family home evenings.
by Dale Van Atta
$16.99—save 43%
Bill Marriott: Success Is Never Final gives readers an intimate portrait of the life of this business titan and his definition of success. Bill shares details about his private struggles with his father's chronic harsh criticism; his innovations in the hotel industry; and the boundless passion and energy he demonstrated for his work, family, and faith. Bill also shares spiritual experiences that allowed him to recognize God's guidance in his personal life. This fascinating biography tells the story from Bill Marriott's first job in his family's restaurants to his monumental decisions in building a hotel empire. It is the remarkable story of a man who had the vision to create a multi-billion-dollar business, who understands the power of giving through substantial philanthropic work, and who lives the creed that hard work will pay off but success is never final.
by Jane Clayson Johnson
$9.99—save 38%
Through the power of story, nationally recognized journalist Jane Clayson Johnson shines a light on the desperate, dark, and lonely reality faced by those who struggle with clinical depression. At once hopeful and heart-wrenching, Silent Souls Weeping examines the stigma and isolation associated with depression, as well as the dangers of perfectionistic tendencies and suicidal ideation. Beginning with an open and frank exploration of her own experience with clinical depression, the author goes on to share stories gathered from interviews with more than 150 men, women, and teens—all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—who have suffered from depression.
by Ronald A. Rasband
$9.99—save 44%
Every Sunday during sacrament meeting, we hear the promise that we may "always have His Spirit to be with [us]" (Moroni 4:3). But what does it mean to always have the Lord's Spirit with us? And how can we recognize the presence and guidance of the Holy Ghost in our lives? In this beautiful book, Elder Ronald A. Rasband shares timely counsel and personal stories about recognizing the hand of the Lord in our everyday pursuits. Through his own experience, Elder Rasband helps us learn first how to seek the Spirit and then how to recognize and respond to divine guidance in our families, with friends and colleagues, in our Church service, and during times of trial.
by Julie B. Beck
$11.99—save 40%
In a world of challenges and insecurity, how can we find confidence and live joyful, faith-filled lives? How can we gain the blessings promised to the Lord's covenant people? And how can we fulfill our responsibilities to help gather the house of Israel? In Joy in the Covenant, Sister Julie B. Beck shares deep-seated feelings and beliefs and draws heavily from her own experiences, the lives of her parents, and the lessons she learned from them. Sister Beck's words draw attention to prophecies and priorities of prophets. Her teachings are clear, direct, practical, and approachable and express how we can find joy in understanding our identity and purpose in the house of Israel and participating with the Lord in His joyful labor.
by Anthony Sweat
$7.99—save 20%
You may feel a little intimidated when you're preparing to enter the temple for the first time. Fortunately, this book can help. It offers answers about the endowment by providing a frame for you to understand the purposes and procedures of its ordinances. Explore the temple endowment from three different vantage points: the why, the what, and the how, so that when you go to the temple—whether for the first time or the hundredth—you can more fully absorb the learning and truth the Lord has in store for you. The Lord has extended to each one of us a holy invitation: an invitation to enter His house, to learn of Him and His ways, and to prepare to return to His presence and receive a fullness of His exalting blessings. Learn how you can accept the invitation the Lord has extended to you personally and find profound meaning in the sacred temple endowment.
by Emily Orton, Erik Orton
$12.99—save 54%
A New York City family's remarkable story of how they gave up their urban life, packed up their family of seven, and braved the difficult conditions of the Atlantic Ocean as they sailed 5,000 miles from New York to and around the Caribbean. Working the night shift as a temp in a high-rise cubicle, Erik Orton knew something had to change. He felt the responsibility of providing for his wife and their five children—the youngest with Down syndrome—but craved a life that offered more than just surviving. Watching the sailboats on the Hudson River during his sunset dinner breaks, Erik dared to dream. What would it be like to leave the hustle of the city and instead spend a year on a sailboat, somewhere beautiful, as a family? Despite having no sailing experience, his wife Emily's phobia of deep water, and already stretching every dollar to pay rent and buy groceries, the family of seven turned their excuses into reasons and their fears into motivation. The Ortons cast off the life they knew to begin an uncertain journey of 5,000 miles between New York City and the Caribbean, ultimately arriving at a new place within themselves.
by Tad R. Callister
$12.99—save 48%
Before The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized, its keystone was in place. That keystone, the Book of Mormon, has been shared, studied, respected, and embraced by millions of people the world over. It has also been scrutinized, analyzed, dismissed, even ridiculed by critics for nearly 200 years. In this volume, best-selling author Tad Callister offers a comprehensive overview of many of the critics' claims and provides carefully reasoned explanations that shed new light on the discussion. He presents compelling evidence, both physical and spiritual, for the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and invites readers on a spiritual journey that promises a witness stronger than any intellectual argument could create. "The book focuses on a case for the Book of Mormon," Brother Callister writes, "but in one sense the Book of Mormon does not need a case presented on its behalf. It is its own best witness—its own best evidence. . . .It bears witness of the Savior with precision and power, and it invites the Spirit in unrestrained proportions. Every aspect of the Book of Mormon bears witness of its divine origin because, in fact, it is divinely inspired."
by Anthony Sweat, Tom Holdman, Tyler Griffin, Gayle Holdman, Brad Wilcox
$14.99—save 63%
A decade's worth of excitement built prior to the dedication and opening of the Rome Italy Temple in early 2019. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from around the world and all others will be welcomed at the Rome Temple visitors' center, where the first thing they see is a stunning 20' x 7' art-glass window created by Tom Holdman and his associates at Holdman Studios. This beautiful masterpiece, entitled "Come unto Me," was created to boldly testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Savior, Redeemer, and ultimate Healer. In this powerful five-panel window, viewers discover the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, the woman reaching out to touch the Savior's robe, and many symbolic representations of Christ's life and teachings.