It’s November again and we all know what that means.
Facebook is about to be overcome with everyone’s daily “I’m thankful for…” post.
We all feel the pressure to be thankful, especially at this time of year. But maybe the Facebook approach isn’t your thing — don’t worry it’s not mine either. Which is why I’ve compiled a list of ways in which you can express gratitude without blowing up the internet this holiday season by expressing gratitude for others, identifying God’s influence in your life, and performing humble service.
► You'll also like: 5 Simple Ways to Develop an "Attitude of Gratitude"
Post-It Note Challenge
Expressing gratitude can be as simple as scribbling a note on a Post-It. For those of you who crave the One-a-day challenges, I encourage the Post-It Challenge:
1. Carry a stack of Post-It Notes with you wherever you go. (Don’t forget the pen!)
2. Identify an event or an individual for which you feel thankful.
3. Leave a note for that individual with or without a signature. (I prefer the anonymous note, myself.)
If you want to feel the true spirit of the season, reach out to your fellow man with appreciation for the things that they do that go unnoticed.
Ding Dong Ditch a Do-Gooder
This activity was one of my Mia Maids group’s favorite holiday festivities. Here’s how it’s done:
First, find someone always doing good for others.
Second, prepare them a holiday treat, or a card, or both.
Third, place said items on the front porch and ring the door bell.
Fourth, run away as quickly as possible, without being seen and without slipping on ice.
If nothing else you got a little exercise in during the holidays!
Lead image from LDS NET.
Filled with striking, natural-world photographs and insightful quotations, National Geographic's latest inspirational book takes on the most timeless and universal of topics: gratitude. Illuminating the diverse elements that make life precious, this book invites readers to savor what's really important — from friends and family to adventure and success to the simple comforts of home. For anyone interested in celebrating, reflecting on, and sharing the gift of appreciation, this beautiful book will be a keepsake to treasure every day of the year.