Need a laugh or a really good pun to boost your spirits? Here are some hilarious memes and tweets that celebrate all the best—and the most awkward—in Latter-day Saint culture.
Nobody: 15 year old me on trek: — kenz (@MackBeave) July 24, 2019
I’m SHOCKED there hasn’t been an ensemble Mormon romcom named “Pioneer Day” a la “Valentine’s Day,” where the character’s find love and are all connected through genealogy — Jo Diaz (@joalicediaz) July 25, 2019
View this post on Instagram Shia LeBeouf is perfect for this 😂 #mormonmemes #mormon #mormonfunny #lds #shialebeouf #primaryprogram A post shared by Latterdaysaintsmemes (@latterdaysaintsmemes) on Nov 5, 2016 at 5:32pm PDT
Him: “Have you ever collected anything? Like stamps or buttons?” Me: “I collect photos of people trying to cover up basketball hoops for their reception in the church gym.” — Janessa James (@JanessaJam) December 13, 2018