Sick and tired of being a witch, a hobo, or a toilet-paper mummy for Halloween five years in a row? Still looking for that great Halloween costume that will turn the heads of your fellow ward members? Don't worry, we've got you covered.
From simple yet clever to elaborate and epic, this list of Mormon-themed Halloween costumes is sure to have something you can wear on this spooky holiday. Or, if all else fails, slap a sign on your mummy costume that says, "I'm an Egyptian, an aged relic, an ancient magician. And I'm a Mormon!"
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Angel Moroni Statue
For all you classy costume lovers out there, we've got a special holiday treat for you. This October 31st to strut your stuff swathed in robes and gold. And though this costume might look elaborate, all it requires is a robe, a decorative gold Christmas trumpet, some gold face paint, and a lot of gold spray paint. And presto, you've got yourself an elegant, living statue.

Image from Times and Seasons
The Osmonds
This is a classic with a lot of variations, so you can go as full-blown as you want. From decking yourself head to toe in bell-bottoms and a wide-collared shirt to donning your absolutely creepy 1977 Donny mask, there are many ways to pull off the Osmond look. Or maybe you decide to go a different route and model your own coat of many colors. Whatever variation you choose, make sure to buy lots of hairspray!
Book of Mormon Characters
Have any scraps of cloth or robes lying around? Then you've got all it takes to fashion your own Book of Mormon masterpiece. And, if you want to incorporate a little guts and gore into your Halloween display, then consider being Ammon and carrying around a severed arm.
A Holy Ghost
This costume is the simplest and one of the most fun to make. Step one, find an old white sheet. Step two, cut a bunch of holes in it. Step three, drape it over your head, and you are good to go! And when people ask you what you are or how you could be dumb enough to mess up a simple ghost costume, you tell them that you are not just any ordinary, run-of-the-mill ghost. You are a holy ghost. Get it? Holy, as in lots of holes?
Okay, I know it's cheesy. And yes, people might confuse you with the Charlie Brown ghost—but is that really so bad? I mean who doesn't love a little corniness now and then and Charlie Brown all the time?
#JohnDeereTractor #CharlieBrownGhost #HappyHalloween #trickortreat A photo posted by Amanda Toole (@indiana_jam_girl) on Oct 31, 2014 at 2:52pm PDT
Boy Scout/Girl Scout
Okay ladies and gents, time to break out your old uniforms and see if they still fit! If not, that's alright. Most of the costume pieces you can get at DI for pretty cheap. Just make sure to don your khakis, shine up those merit badges, and don't forget the boondoggle!
Day no. 165 // #365grateful // And so the Boy Scout patch sewing begins. A photo posted by Caroline Ghetes (@carolineghetes) on Jul 3, 2014 at 6:46pm PDT
For Halloween, why not take a little trip to the past, all the way back to the beginning days of humanity.
You've probably heard the rumors floating around that Cain is actually really Bigfoot. Well, it just so happens there actually may be little more to this rumor than the fact that they are both big and hairy. (Find out more about that here.) So, in order to dress up like Cain this year, all you need is a Bigfoot or gorilla costume, and you are good to go. And if someone else happens to show up at the same Halloween party as you dressed as Cain, save yourself some embarrassment by saying that you are really Essau.
3 bucks for an apple?!!!!.... How bout I just take it and don't tear your face off,.... We'll call it even. #bigfoot #bigfootcostume #sasquatchcostume #sasquatch bigfoothitsnewyork #produce A photo posted by @dowsleys_kustoms on Apr 25, 2014 at 12:22am PDT
Armor of God
Do you remember when Elder Hales in his October 2013 conference address mentioned an adorable boy who literally put on the whole armor of God? Well, we thought it could be a great Halloween costume! You can find most of the items like swords, breastplates, and shields anywhere that sells regular Halloween costumes, or even at All-a-Dollar.
Starting a new prototype! So much more work to do on this... #Greek #hoplite #sword #templar #knight #warrior #costume #cosplay #cosplaying #becausecosplay #armor #armorofgod A photo posted by Elswares Props (@elswares) on Oct 8, 2015 at 8:01am PDT
Mitt Romney & Other Mormon Celebs
Though no longer in the presidential running, people are bound to recognize this clean-cut Mormon politician. Plus, you'll look pretty dashing and sophisticated with your side-parted gray hair. And who can resist the flag tie pins and patriotic bling of Mitt Romney?
Or, try something new and fashion your ensemble off of your favorite LDS celebrity, like Brandon Flowers or Lindsey Stirling.
Scariest thing all day #mittromneycostume A photo posted by Aaron Brazell (@technosailor) on Oct 26, 2012 at 3:32pm PDT
This costume has been trending in recent years and is a great go-to if you're tight on money or time. Just put on your Sunday best and print out a name tag. You can even throw on a backpack and bike helmet for an extra touch.
This Halloween, Wyatt would like to tell you about our Prophet, Joseph Smith. ;) A photo posted by Andra Harlow (@lovelylevity) on Oct 31, 2013 at 2:12pm PDT
Young Woman
We've seen the casserole-carrying, cookie-loving Relief Society president showing up at Halloween parties before. But what about a young woman? Again, here's a costume that gives a lot of room for creativity. Wear your hair in a beehive hairdo with a laurel wreath around your neck or head. And when people ask where the ornament that represents the Mia Maids is, just tell them it went missing in action (MIA, get it?). Okay, sorry for another cheesy Mormon pun, but seriously, there are a lot of options. You can dress up as a literal beehive or as the ultimate girls' camper—whatever floats your boat!
#onceiwasabeehive A photo posted by Kacy Faulconer (@kacy_faulconer) on Aug 12, 2015 at 9:55pm PDT
We all know trekkies are pretty popular right now, so why not put an LDS spin on it and be an original trekkie—a pioneer! I'm sure you probably still have some of your old trek clothes lying around, so dust them off, don your bonnet, and you are set, my friend.
Just got back yesterday from #youthtrek with the youth. The rain drenched us the first day, I got like 9+ blisters, but it was such a rewarding experience. We have such amazing youth in this world. Our little trek family helped each other, and made the experience so great. It gave me a greater sense of what our pioneer ancestors went through. It may be early, but happy Pioneer Day! #mormonpioneer #mormontrail #lds #walkwithfaith #22miles #suncreststake A photo posted by Jennifer (@jenpal13) on Jul 12, 2015 at 7:06am PDT
Saturday's Warrior Character
If you don't want to be just another hippy or spandex-wearing 80s guy or gal, then fluff your hair and try being a cast member from the LDS classic Saturday's Warrior. Jimmy, Emily, Pam, Todd—the gang's all there and ready for you to choose which one you want to be.
We've got our father and mother, sister and brother 🎶 Pullin' together we can work it out! #SaturdaysWarrior @kennyholland @bailee_m_johnson @annakdaines @carolinelabrum #lds #mormon #actress A photo posted by Monica Moore Smith (@monicamooresmith) on Sep 25, 2015 at 8:26pm PDT
8 Cow Wife
If all else fails, or you're just too tired or lazy this Halloween night, simply put on a funny Mormon T-shirt and kick back and relax with your bowl of candy.
This. This is just perfect. XD #JohnnyLingo #EightCowWife #Mahana #moo A photo posted by Crystal :) (@crystal_camaro) on Jan 7, 2015 at 8:53pm PST