President Packer learned and shared many words of wisdom and insights over his 50 years as an apostle. From that treasure trove of knowledge comes the eternal truths that President Packer felt were most important to know and share. Truths that have become a powerful final witness that Jesus is the Christ.
1. God Is Our Father
"One eternal truth that I have come to know is that God lives. He is our Father. We are His children. 'We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost' (Articles of Fatih 1:1).
"Of all the other titles that He could have used, He chose to be called 'father.' The Savior commanded, 'After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father who art in heaven' (3 Nephi 13:9; see also Matthew 6:9). His use of the name 'Father' is a lesson for all as we come to understand what it is that matters most in this life." [Page 5]
2. The Savior Lives
"After all the years that I have lived and taught and served, after the millions of miles I have traveled around the world, with all that I have experienced, there is one great truth that I would share. That is my witness of the Savior Jesus Christ." [Page 9]
3. Proper Teaching Brings Strong Testimony
"If people are properly taught, they never will fall away:
'And as sure as the Lord liveth [ that is an oath], so sure as many as believed, or as many as were brought to the knowledge of the truth, through the preaching of Ammon and his brethren, according to the spirit of revelation and of prophecy, and the power of God working miracles in them—yea, I say unto you, as the Lord liveth [a second oath], as many of the Lamanites as believed in their preaching, and were converted unto the Lord, never did fall away' (Alma 23:6; emphasis added)." [Page 59]
Of all his knowledge and wisdom, this book represents the truths President Packer thought were “most worth knowing.” The stories, principles, and experiences shared in this volume bear powerful witness of the greatest truth; that Jesus is the Christ. Find it at Deseret Book stores or on
4. Light Always Overcomes Darkness
"Darkness cannot persist in the presence of light. That is another principle that you should know. You can demonstrate that physically. I know how to wire a dark room from a source of power, put in a switch, and turn the light on—and darkness will vanish. I do not know, and I do not know anybody who does know, how to put darkness into a room and make light vanish." [Page 77]
5. Work and Study Are Necessary for Using the Holy Ghost
You have in your feelings the beacon and the guide, and it will help you in all walks of life. If you have not studied, it will not help you in a test to try to remember something that you did not know in the first place. There is the necessity of laboring in life." [Page 83]
6. You Are an Eternal Being
"You have a spirit body; your intelligence existed forever (see D&C 93:29). That is hard to get through your mind. We are going to live forever. You believe that, don’t you? In the Resurrection, we will live eternally. That cannot be unless that is true of the past, too, that we lived eternally in the past. We are in the middle of something eternal here." [Page 92]
7. Obedience Is the Key to Saftey
"It is my purpose to show that in troubled times the Lord has always prepared a safe way ahead. We live in those 'perilous times' which the Apostle Paul prophesied would come in the last days (see 2 Timothy 3:1-7). If we are to be safe individually and as families, and secure as a church, it will be through 'obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel' (Articles of Faith 1:3)." [Page 110]
8. We Are Led By a Living Prophet
"We are guided by the same revelations as our ancestors, and we are led by a prophet, as they were. When the Prophet Joseph Smith died, another took his place. The order of succession continued today." [Page 119]
Of all his knowledge and wisdom, this book represents the truths President Packer thought were “most worth knowing.” The stories, principles, and experiences shared in this volume bear powerful witness of the greatest truth; that Jesus is the Christ. Find it at Deseret Book stores or on
9. We Are Free Agents
"We know what is right and what is wrong. We all know. That is a very important thing to understand. As we move through life, we begin to understand some other things…I want to make this point: In the premortal existence, we were given spirit bodies, and we were given agency. So we are free." [Page 139]
10. We Live in a Glorious Time and Have Great Eternal Worth
"It is a marvelous time to be alive. The world is not going to come to an end anytime soon. You are going to have time to stand, as I stand now, talking about your children and your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren. You decide! . . .
"You are consummately precious to the Lord, to the Church, to your parents, to one another. You now must decide what is right—you know what is right—and then have the courage to do it. You will be blessed and redeemed and exalted.
"I bear witness that Jesus is the Christ. He lives. We know Him. He directs this Church. The gospel is true. The plan is a great plan of happiness. May you look forward to a marvelous life in the greatest work that has ever been on the face of this earth." [Page 150]
11. The Gospel Is True
"I bear certain witness of the scriptures as a key to our spiritual protection. I also bear witness of the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, 'that through him all might be saved' (D&C 76:42) who will be saved. The Lord’s Church has been established on the earth once again. Of the truthfulness of the gospel I bear witness. Of Him I am a witness." [Page 188]