Bishops have an incredibly demanding calling, so how can the rest of the ward give him the support he needs? We asked some bishops we know, and here is what they said:
1. Pray for him specifically, just as you would the prophet. A prayer uttered on behalf of someone, by name, can yield great results.
2. Magnify your calling. When members anxiously go about serving as they are assigned, the Lord blesses not only them but the entire ward with an outpouring of inspiration and unity.
3. The most difficult calling in the ward belongs to the bishop’s wife. Often times, my wife feels like the loneliest person in my ward. I am happy when my ward recognizes my wife’s (and my children’s) sacrifices.
4. Earnestly prepare when asked to speak in Sacrament meeting. Teach with the Spirit.
5. Never ask to be released. If circumstances change that are making it difficult for you to serve, inform your bishop and then allow him to seek inspiration. Don’t short-change yourself of heaven’s blessings because life gets a little hectic.
6. Make temple attendance a priority. When you go to the temple often, you are able to be a more effective instrument in the Lord’s hands, and you have a greater resistance to temptation and sin. Every bishop wants his ward to be unified, charitable, obedient, and willing to sacrifice. The temple helps in all those areas.
7. Don’t murmur or be contentious.
8. Be reverent, especially during the Sacrament.
9. Don’t just do your duty as a home or visiting teacher. Rather, truly minister to those you are called to serve. This is the first line of defense for a family, and an engaged home and visiting teacher can literally change a family’s life.
10. Follow his counsel—even when you see things a little differently. There is power and protection in following your leaders. This isn’t blind obedience, it is obedience founded on faith and trust. Those two things are very different.
How else do you support your bishop? To read from a bishop's point of view, check out Confessions of a Mormon Bishop.