After Jesus fed the 5,000 with the loaves and fishes, He instructed His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” So if you’re one of those people who scrupulously saves every last penny, nickel, and dime, you’re actually following Christ’s example. It’s true that as the dollar value shrinks, spare change increases in insignificance, but reading this list of 10 church products that a few coins can buy might just reinflate your motivation to penny-pinch.

You've seen Del Parson's iconic portrait of the Savior's Resurrection. Among other places, it has a home on the front page of the pamphlet missionaries use to teach the plan of salvation. Now, a 3x5-inch copy can be yours for a mere dollar to either keep for yourself or pass along to someone else.
Joseph Smith taught that all things in our religion are appendages to "the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ." At the celebration of the new millennium, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve reiterated their testimonies of the Savior in The Living Christ, an 8.5x11-inch copy of which runs for only 30 cents.

This historic document, which has often been raised as a standard for Latter-day Saint families in recent years, was presented by Gordon B. Hinckley to President Bill Clinton at the White House shortly after its publication. A 4x5-inch copy costs one dollar.

If you're looking to change up your Sunday sounds, this album from Eric Robertson and Brick Williams is the perfect fit. For under a dollar, you can enjoy eight interpretations of classic hymns like "I Believe in Christ" and "We'll Bring the World His Truth."

Struggling to get started in family history? For 90 cents, you’ll be worry-free. This booklet will introduce you to identifying relatives, gathering family stories, and uploading information to
In his October 2009 priesthood session talk “Be Ready,”then-Elder Henry B. Eyring reminded brethren how important it is to always be prepared to give a priesthood blessing. Though the address focused on spiritual preparation, he began by holding up one of these oil containers, which cost only 85 cents.

Is this going to be the summer you finally start working through that book list? This bookmark will be the perfect partner to get it done. Use it in your gospel-related studies or your favorite adventure novel. See other inspiring bookmarks here.

In the 2018 general women's conference, President Nelson invited all women to study the Relief Society purpose statement—something he says "thrills" him every time he reads it. And since this 8.5x11-inch poster is only 30 cents, you can pick some up for those you minister to as well.
9. Temple Prints: $0.50

Go and browse gorgeous 3x4 temple prints like this one of the Dallas temple by Alan Fullmer. A unique, calming, and inspirational photo of your favorite temple at 50 cents seems like a steal.

While these may be called trek bandanas, they are also perfect for family reunions, Mutual activities, and youth summer camps. And at only 99 cents, you can go ahead and get everyone their favorite color.