Wedding cake, invitations, flowers, white gown, photographer, and music all make up the hectic but exciting day of your wedding. And after the reception is over and all said and done, the bride and groom have all eternity in front of them. Marriage is a special unity between you, your spouse, and God. We as members of the Church have received wonderful counsel on how to have a successful and faith-based marriage. Whether you are engaged, married, or single, these LDS quotes on marriage will help you realize the importance of your eternal relationship with your spouse.
1. "Most people spend more time planning the wedding than planning the marriage. The wedding is the planting, but the marriage is the season. One happens in an instant, the rest can last forever."
—John Bytheway Weed Your Brain, Grown Your Testimony
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2. "We are not two but three—thee and me and God for eternity, a most sacred triangle, a relationship of which we are each a part."
—Ardeth G. Kapp My Neighbor, My Sister, My Friend
3. "We build our marriages with endless friendship, confidence, integrity, and by administering and sustaining each other in our difficulties."
—James E. Faust, October 1977 general conference
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4. "Marriage is a gift from God to us; the quality of our marriages is a gift from us to Him."
—L. Whitney Clayton, April 2013, general conference
5. "One of the best examples of a synergistic system is found in a successful marriage. . . . They join their unique talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts and create something new and profoundly different from what they could ever do individually."
—Gerald N. Lund Look Up, My Soul
6. "Fidelity to one's marriage vows is absolutely essential for love, trust, and peace. Husbands and wives who love each other will find that love and loyalty are reciprocated."
—Ezra Taft Benson, October 1982 general conference
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7. "You should express regularly to your wife and children your reverence and respect for her. Indeed, one of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
—Howard W. Hunter, October 1994 general conference
8. "Husbands, be patient with your wives; and wives, be patient with your husbands. Don't expect perfection. Find agreeable ways to work out the differences that arise."
—Joseph B. Wirthlin, April 1987 general conference
9. "Under the plan of heaven, the husband and wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness."
—Gordon B. Hinckley
10. "Faith is the foundation of every virtue that strengthens marriage. Strengthening faith strengthens marriage."
—L. Whitney Clayton, April 2013 general conference
Know any other good LDS marriage quotes? Leave a comment down below!