We love our Mormon culture, but many of the things we do are just unusual enough that they can be pulled into a really good cartoon. Here are a few from some of our favorite LDS cartoonists that are sure to make you laugh out loud!
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Val Chadwick Bagley has been self-employed as “The Cartoonist Guy" since 1990. He has produced nearly 100 products, ranging from picture books to activity books to games and more, and has sold more than one million copies. He is also a regular contributor to the New Era and Friend magazines. He is married, with five children and seven grandchildren.
Kevin Beckstrom began his cartooning career at age 16, when he sold his first cartoon to the New Era, and his work has appeared there continuously ever since. As a student at BYU, he drew a comic strip, 121, and contributed the occasional editorial cartoon. Nowadays his award-winning work has appeared in numerous magazines, newsletters, newspapers and trade publications. He has drawn hundreds of cartoons that show the lighter side of life as a Latter-day Saint. He runs several webcomics, including Sis. Kerry Jo’s Mission Blog, Zarahemla Times, and Beckstrom Buzz. He and his wife Christy are the parents of five boys and live in Salem, Oregon.
Jonathan Clark is a published LDS cartoonist regularly featured in the New Era and other magazines/online sites. He currently serves as bishop of his ward in Knoxville, TN. Visit his comic blog at Honest Jon's blog and Honest Jon Comics' Facebook page.
When Arie Van De Graaff was a missionary in the MTC, he drew a cartoon missionary on the outside of each envelope he mailed home. The response from his family was so positive that he was soon including a cartoon strip inside the envelope with every letter home. Since then, Van De Graaff has created hundreds of gags celebrating LDS culture.
He uses his art to entertain his wife and four children and is regularly featured in the New Era and the Friend magazines.
Van De Graaff has also published four books including The Puzzle Book for LDS Kids and Now That I Am Baptized, as well as a number of iOS apps. Visit his website at mormoncartoonist.comto see more of his work as well as to sign up for a weekly newsletter that provides an LDS-themed activity page to your inbox every Friday.