The LDS Church History Department recently opened their 10th International Art Exhibit, “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,” at the LDS Church History Museum. The pieces selected for the exhibit were submitted by members of the Church around the world from Cambodia to California.
The International Art Competition “showcases the breadth and diversity of Latter-day Saint cultural production and makes manifest the various styles, techniques, media, and voices of Mormon art. This year the exhibit includes art from Philippines, Argentina, Japan, and Taiwan, to name a few. The use of five outside expert jurors has certainly shaped the look of this year’s competition,” reflected Laura Hurtado, the global acquisitions art curator and jury foreman.
The competition is completing its 10th iteration since 1987; each year the theme has been chosen from a variety of gospel topics. This year, the theme, “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,” aligns with the 2015 LDS Sunday School curriculum. Many of the pieces responded to the theme by depicting stories of the Savior’s mortal ministry, such as healing the sick, the Sermon on the Mount, calling the Apostles, and declaring Himself to be the Son of God. Other pieces offer more contemporary interpretations of the “artists’ experiences in drawing near to the Savior.”
Ultimately, it is the hope of the Church History Museum that visitors come to see Jesus Christ in new and distinct ways, thereby enlivening their understanding of the Man of Galilee. Borrowing from the words of Elder James E. Talmage, an LDS apostle from 1911 to 1933, Museum officials hope the exhibit will be an added testimony to “the solemn testimonies of millions dead and of millions living [united] in proclaiming Him as divine, the Son of the Living God, the Redeemer and Savior of the human race, the Eternal Judge of the souls of men, the Chosen and Anointed of the Father—in short, the Christ.”
All are welcome to participate in the awards ceremony held Thursday, October 22, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. Immediately following, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., an opening reception will be held in the Church History Museum. All events are free and open to the public.
For more information regarding the “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” art exhibit and to vote for your favorites, please visit
Check out some of these stunning pieces. All images are from "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" on

"The Kingdom of Heaven," Lisa Aerin Collett

"Foxes Have Holes and Birds of the Air Have Nests," Walter Rane

"The Savior," Kelly Lane Pugh

"Arm of Mercy," Kevin Figueira

"Yet His Hands Are Stretched Out Still," Benjamin Ray Hammond

"Other Sheep I Have," Elspeth Young

"Living Water," Barbara Summers Edwards
Who Touched Me Dianne Johnson Adams "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee while," the Savior said to the woman with an issue of blood, who came behind Him and touched His garment (Luke 8:43-48). Adams depicts this woman clothed in brown and red and advanced in years, with Christ reaching out toward her. Such gesture attests to Christ's willingness to break with the social conventions of the time and care for those who needed Him. #chmart A photo posted by Church History Museum (@churchhistorymuseum) on Oct 19, 2015 at 8:29am PDT
"Behold Thy Son" Cassandra Barney (@heymami) At the foot of the cross, Mary suffered the terrible loss of her Son. Christ's awareness of His mother, even as He hung in excruciating pain, attests to His compassion for all of us. Said Barney, "The story of His mortal life begins and ends with his mother, Mary. It is a testament of His goodness and compassion that Christ didn't overlook the woman who cared for him and stayed at His side." #chmart A photo posted by Church History Museum (@churchhistorymuseum) on Oct 14, 2015 at 11:12am PDT
On Earth as It Is in Heaven Justin Burton Kunz In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ introduced the Lord's Prayer. He prayed, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10), attesting to His surrender of will and humble alignment with the will of God. To portray the desires of those who listened at the feet of the Savior, Kunz depicts a crowd of believers, ordinary people, eager to hear the testimony and teachings of Jesus Christ. #chmart A photo posted by Church History Museum (@churchhistorymuseum) on Oct 12, 2015 at 9:44am PDT
Additional Artwork
Though not displayed in the 10th International Art Exhibit, “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,” these stunning works of art add a depth and richness to stories of our Savior's life, and these are all works you can own in your home. Find them now at
"The Servant," Youngsung Kim
"Christ Walking on Water," Julius von Klever
"Worlds Without End," Greg Olsen
"Perfect Love," Del Parson
"Come Unto Me," Taylor Yardley