Many people assume that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints never uses stained glass windows in their meetinghouses, reserving them instead for temples. In reality, hundreds of stained glass windows continue to filter colored light into Latter-day Saint chapels and provide a beautiful experience for Saints who worship there. Here are some examples of the most beautiful stained glass windows found in Latter-day Saint meetinghouses.
Brigham City Third Ward

Latter-day Saints in Brigham City still enjoy this beautiful depiction of the First Vision, which was created specifically for this chapel in 1911. This is actually only one of many chapels with windows that show the First Vision. The Salt Lake 17th Ward, Salt Lake 2nd Ward, and other chapels have similar windows.

Lehi Fourth Ward

Originally part of a beautiful gothic building that was built in 1912, this window was saved when the building was razed decades later. It was moved into an otherwise modern building a few blocks away, where its colors shine at the front of the chapel. The use of the beehive is a unique Latter-day Saint symbol, reminding Church members, as Brigham Young counseled, to be industrious and diligent in their labors.

Salt Lake Tenth Ward

The Tenth Ward chapel was constructed in 1909 and has been meticulously preserved. President Gordon B. Hinckley attended this chapel as a young man and fondly remembered gaining a strong spiritual testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith there.
The chapel has over 40 stained glass windows, but the most impressive is found at the back, where there is a breathtaking illustration of the Savior knocking at the door. Many other Latter-day Saint chapels have windows depicting the Savior. In Millcreek, one chapel enjoys two windows depicting Christ as the Good Shepherd, and in Murray, Utah, Christ stands with His arms open above the words “Come Unto Me.”

Payson Second Ward

This chapel was built in 1896, and while it has been remodeled many times over the years, the stained glass windows in the chapel have never been removed or altered. They stand along the chapel’s north side and allow golden, filtered light to enter the room. Many other chapels in Utah Valley have patterned stained glass, including chapels in Springville and Provo.

Kaysville Tabernacle

This beautiful tabernacle was built in 1914 and has some of the most detailed stained glass windows found in Latter-day Saint meetinghouses. Five narrow windows line each side of the chapel, and on either side of the pulpit is a particularly impressive, wide window with artistic patterns and colors.
In 1972, the tabernacle was almost razed and replaced; however, the Church ultimately decided to preserve and restore the building, along with this stunning work of art.

Coalville Stake Center

The Coalville Tabernacle (which was built in the 1880s) had three large stained glass windows that were imported from Belgium. When the tabernacle was razed in 1971, these windows were carefully preserved. The stake center that replaced the tabernacle was deliberately designed to incorporate these windows, which feature icons such as a handshake, an open book, and a dove.

Salt Lake Twentieth Ward

The Twentieth Ward chapel originally had stained glass only in its doors and in the half-moon windows along the top of the chapel. In 1974, additional stained glass windows, featuring a floral design, were added to the chapel, complementing the original stained glass and adding beauty to the historic building.

Bonneville Ward

The Bonneville Ward chapel was built in 1949. Its sole stained glass window is found at the front of the chapel, where the detailed image of Christ in Gethsemane is visible to Latter-day Saints participating in worship services.

Malad City Tabernacle

This tabernacle in Malad City, Idaho has stained glass along both sides of the chapel. Its largest window (pictured here) is at the back of the chapel, spanning two floors. The tabernacle was built in 1914.

Salt Lake Second Ward

One of the earliest stained glass depictions of the First Vision is found in this historic chapel. The window is a copy of another window found in the Salt Lake Temple; however, this window is much larger and grander than its original. At the top of the window is a seagull, instead of the traditional dove.

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