This winter, one of our favorite reads comes to us from noted LDS figure Sheri Dew: Women and the Priesthood. Her book was so good, we simply had to share it with some of our friends. (You might know them, too: Emily Freeman, Fiona Givens, Brad Wilcox, and lots of our favorite LDS writers.) We asked each one to check out a chapter of this amazing book and write us back with their thoughts. And so straight from their pens to your eyes, we bring you their reflective and sincere responses:
Chapter 2: Women Have a Divine Errand
Kathryn Skaggs, writer behind the popular blog A Well-Behaved Mormon Woman
How is the world’s perception of equality confusing our understanding of the vital, but different, roles of men and women in the church? Kathryn Skaggs explains that when we focus on understanding our purpose and identity as children of God, we will better understand that men and women actually have equal roles in God’s plan.
Chapter 3: God Expects Women to Receive Revelation
Emily Freeman, author of several books including The Promise of Enough and Written on Our Hearts
One of the greatest priesthood blessings women have is the right to receive personal revelation. Emily Freeman shares how daughters of God are expected not only to pray sincerely, but to learn how to receive God’s reply. Furthermore, as we cultivate our ability to receive revelation, we will better understand our divine identity.
Chapter 4: God Is Perfect and So Is His Son
Fiona Givens, coauthor of The God Who Weeps and Time Our For Women presenter
Women have a special bond with the priesthood that becomes clearer when we study the eternal context of priesthood as well as its divine origin. Well-known academic writer and speaker Fiona Givens explores how putting the priesthood in context helps us recognize the significant fact that Relief Society was organized after the pattern of the priesthood.
Chapter 5: Women Are Vital to the Success of the Lord's Church
Kathleen Hughes, former first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency
Women have unique opportunities to reach out and have a voice in the church through their callings. Kathy Hughes shares her personal perspective on the role that we each have in building the kingdom on earth, as well as that Priesthood holders rely on the counsel, input, and inspiration women receive in their own callings.
Chapter 6: Both Women and Men Have Access to God's Highest Spiritual BlessingsRobert Millet, popular speak and prolific writer, including authoring LDS Beliefs: A Doctrinal Reference.
Robert Millet understands that priesthood holders are not the only ones with the right to ministering of angels. In his response to chapter 6, he describes how men and women have equal opportunity to pray and exercise faith, and though Priesthood is God’s own delegated power to act in his name, everyone has access to the source of that power.
Chapter 7: God Reserved the High Privilege of Motherhood for Women
Brad Wilcox, BYU professor, author, and Time Out for Women presenter
Brad Wilcox learned from his own mother that motherhood is not defined by giving birth and staying home because women and mothers provide lasting influence in the lives of those around them. He expounds how men and women depend on each other to exercise the power of the priesthood for good and accomplish God’s will.
Chapter 8: Converted Women Can Change the World
Michelle Linford, managing editor of MormonWoman.org and Women in Business keynote speaker
Women have the ability to reach their full potential without Priesthood ordination as long as they are truly converted. As Michelle Linford points out, conversion keeps our focus on Christ and allows us to channel the priesthood power of God to help His children and reach our full potential in the process.
In Women and the Priesthood, beloved author Sheri Dew explores the doctrines surrounding a topic that is crucial for both women and men to understand: the role of women in the LDS Church and their relationship with the priesthood.
Key discussions include the varying responsibilities of men and women in the context of key doctrine of the Church and the eternal truths that women are vital to the success of the Lord's church, that God expects women to receive revelation, and that both men and women have access to God's highest spiritual blessings.
This enlightening book shows how studying the doctrine of the priesthood will help you find the answers you seek about women and the priesthood, about women in the Church, and about the vital influence righteous women can have in the world. Get it now Deseret Book.