Spray one part vinegar and one part dish soap all over the tub, and you won't even need to scrub!
From The Craft Patch.

Put a bowl with 1-2 cups of water and a tablespoon of vinegar in your microwave for five minutes, then just wipe everything off.
From Practically Functional.

Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner: Equal parts water, rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap.
From Nature's Nurture.

Use wax paper (or dryer sheets or lemon) to remove and prevent water stains.
From Carolina Charm.

Remove colorful stains like Kool-Aid from the carpet using an iron.
From eHow.

Use a sock to wipe away grime on your blinds.
From Keep Home Simple.

Use ice cubes to release furniture indentations in the carpet.
From Caroline Charm.
And if you need some great assistants in your cleaning crew, check out this great blog post from Inner Child Fun:

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