Latter-day Saint Life

President Nelson’s Remarkable First Year as Prophet Filled with Milestones, Travel, and Promises for More


In the past 12 months, President Russell M. Nelson and the senior leadership have changed the way Church members worship on Sundays, how they minister to one another, how priesthood quorums are organized, how missionaries begin their service and interact with their families, and how the Church’s name should be used. They’ve also introduced changes that affect every auxiliary organization in the Church.

This week the council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles announced changes to policy related to LGBT members.

As he and Church members prepare for the first general conference of the second year of his prophetic role as Church president, some may be trying to catch their breath.

“It’s a remarkable start, and it portends a very energetic and dynamic future,” said Rick Turley, former assistant Church Historian and Recorder.

President Nelson undertook the most ambitious first-year travel schedule by a new president in Church history, based on information published by Church Newsroom and discussions with Church historians—55,000 air miles with stops on five continents. He spoke to enormous crowds in an American professional football stadium, a professional baseball stadium, an NBA stadium, and at other arenas and convention centers and meetinghouses in 16 countries. That all happened since last April 2018.

Story by Tad Walch, photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News.
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