As a little girl of four or five, Heather Theurer knew without a doubt her answer to the age-old, grown-up question, "What would you like to be when you grow up?"
"My answer?" she says. "'I’m going to grow up to be a famous artist someday.' . . . Art was in my blood."
From that young age, Theurer pursued her passion, drawing, doodling, and painting whenever she had a chance. Paired with a vivid imagination, Theurer's drive has taken her far, helping her build her own art studio in Las Vegas, Nevada, and even drawing the attention of the folks at Disney.
Like many little girls, Theurer grew up loving Disney movies and Disney princesses. But it wasn't until five years ago, when a Disney employee approached her at the San Diego Comic-Con, that she found a way to combine her childhood loves. The Disney employee loved her portraits and wondered if she would ever consider creating portraits of Disney characters.
Theurer soon joined the ranks of Disney Fine Art where her official portraits of Disney princesses have gained considerable attention for the whimsy, vividness, and magic they capture.
Though much of her success is owed to her determination, talent, and breathtaking perspective of the world, Theurer understands the true source behind the inspiration for her work and her success.
"More than any of the things that inspire me and my artwork is the one truth that I think has always been with me, even through the dark times of self-doubt and in my early years of discouraging artistic wandering. And that is that I know that my Heavenly Father gave me something special."
To view more of Heather Theurer's stunning work, access her gallery here or purchase her Disney-themed creations here.