Purpose: To help family members understand that the only source of personal peace is found in Christ.
Gospel Principles: Peace of God, Peacemakers, Contentment
Scriptures: Mosiah 4:1-3; John 14:27; Doctrine and Covenants 19:23; Romans 8:6;
Conference Talk: "Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness," Elder Quentin L. Cook, April 2013
Songs: Sweet is the Peace the Gospel Brings (Hymn no. 14), Where Can I Turn for Peace? (Hymn no. 129), I Feel My Savior's Love (Children's Songbook pg 74).
Lesson: Explain to your family that in the scriptures, peace can mean either freedom from conflict and turmoil or the inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that God gives to his faithful Saints. All peace originates in Christ. It comes from and because of Him.
Tell your family the story of King Benjamin as found in Mosiah. King Bejamin taught his people the importance of serving Heavenly Father. He explained some of the sins that the people were committing, and urged them to repent.
Then read the response of King Benjamin's people, as recorded in Mosiah 4:1-3.
Note the relationship between obtaining a remission of sins and experiencing joy, and between having our hearts purified and receiving peace of conscience. Explain that only the atoning blood of Christ makes both of these sweet spiritual outcomes possible.
Read the following excerpts from Elder Bednar's book, Power to Become:
"The world searches to and fro for peace and often believes personal fulfillment is to be found in material possessions, in prestige and prominence, or in the interpersonal advice so readily dispensed in the self-help section of a local bookstore. Such approaches to finding peace wholly and totally miss the mark--which is in the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The personal peace that comes into our lives through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can strength us to face, overcome, and learn from adversity. Every human soul yearns for peace--even peace of conscience and the peace that passeth all understanding. This blessing is not obtained with worldly wealth or through progessional accomplishment, personal prominence, prestige, or power. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only source of enduring, personal peace. Faith and hope in Him, obedience to His commandments, and pressing forward valiantly along the path of perfection invite the spiritual gift of peace into our lives. And His peace fortifies us to face adversity with assurance and perspective."
Discussion: Ask the following questions and discuss them as a family.
· How does the world tell us to obtain peace? What are some examples?
· What is the true source of peace? Why is this the only place to find lasting peace?
· How can we have this spirit of true peace in our daily lives?
· What can we do to act on those principles?
· How will we know if we're making progress in striving to become more like the Savior, and be more at peace?
Activity: As a family, go on a walk around your neighborhood and look for places where you feel at peace--a park, a church building, or other area. Have family members describe this sense of peace. Encourage them to seek this out this calm, peaceful feeling in their daily lives by remaining righteous and in good standing before the Lord.
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This lesson is inspired by principles taught in Elder David A. Bednar's concluding work in his doctrinal trilogy: Power to Become. More about the Book:
As followers of Christ, our desire is to become like Him. In fact, we have been commanded to do so. But how?
In Power to Become, Elder David A. Bednar explores how the Savior makes possible His divine commission, "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect" (3 Nephi 12:48).
Chapters in this thought-provoking book highlight the importance of the Atonement, the spiritual gift of personal peace, the importance of priesthood ordinances, and the responsibility we have to obey willingly and endure valiantly.
"As we increase in learning about the Savior and His gospel," Elder Bednar writes, "as we strive with ever greater consistency to act in His doctrine, ordinances, and covenants, then we are blessed with power through His Atonement to increasingly become like Him." Power to Become introduces vital tools we all can use to invite these eternally significant blessings into our lives.
Watch Elder David. A Bednar answer doctrinal questions in relation to Power to Become on seek.deseretbook.com.