Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has been a beloved member of the First Presidency for the past 10 years. In gratitude for his remarkable service, we'd like to highlight a few of our favorite ways he magnified his calling and blessed the members of the Church throughout his time in the presidency.
His Support and Aid of Members Around the World
Over the past 10 years, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has traveled the world ministering to Latter-day Saints after natural disasters, aiding in the Church's humanitarian work, uplifting Saints in distant countries, and finding time to love and serve individual members of the Church. Whether speaking at a local fireside, a stake conference, or a worldwide Church event, Elder Uchtdorf was sure to communicate his love of Church members individually. A recent example of his ministry to those in need came in this message he shared after the flooding in Houston Texas:
I have just left the Houston, Texas area, where floods caused by Hurricane Harvey have caused catastrophic loss. Though we all have seen photos and videos of the destruction, there is little that can prepare you for the enormity of the damage caused. It is heart-wrenching.
Despite this intense trial, thanks to the Savior and those who follow Him, there is always reason for hope. I forever will be inspired by the selfless humanitarian service I witnessed today. . . .
I want to speak directly to my friends in Houston, but I also hope this message can be helpful to you, wherever you are, if your own spiritual floodwaters are rising and you don’t know where to turn. The Lord has given us a reassuring message of hope: “Fear not, little flock . . . Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:34, 36).
Hope sustains us through despair. Hope teaches that there is reason to rejoice even when all seems dark around us.
And to all who suffer—to all who feel discouraged and worried—I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in.
Never surrender.
Never allow despair to overcome your spirit. . . .
My friends, embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart. I love you and I pray that you may find hope during these difficult times.
Image from Mormon Newsroom
His Airplane Analogies
Elder Uchtdorf is famous for his airplane analogies. They're so famous that in his general conference address in October 2010 he said, "At this point some of you may be thinking, 'That’s all very fine and good, but what does it have to do with flying an airplane?' Well, let me tell you." Recently, these well-loved analogies were compiled in The Gospel at 30,000 Feet.
Approximately 28,000 young adults flocked to the conference center on Sunday to watch Elder Uchtdorf's recent worldwide devotional, and thousands more watched the broadcast. Elder Uchtdorf has a special talent for engaging with the youngest in the Church through his storytelling, his iconic German accent, the simple format of his talks, and by addressing his audience in frequent, uplifting ways as well as the way he humorously and accurately surmises what they might be thinking. His talks often feel like a conversation.
Image from Facebook
His Experience as a Refugee
Elder Uchtdorf has shared countless stories from his youth during World War II. He's shared the struggles he and his family faced as they relocated to West Germany, his struggles to learn the English language, and his struggles to attract the girl (now his wife) whom he had a crush on as a boy. Many can relate to Elder Uchtdorf's experiences, both directly and indirectly, and his stories allow us to see him as a relatable human being, sharing life's joys and sorrows.
Elder Uchtdorf and his sister Christel. Image from Facebook.
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Video Companion
A Mother's Hope: Overcoming Fear Through Faith & Hope In God
His Temple Dedications
During his service as a member of the First Presidency, Elder Uchtdorf dedicated 10 temples around the world. We love these photos of him bonding with Saints across the globe as he participates in dedicatory activities.
Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple dedicated December 11, 2011
Image from KSL
Manaus Brazil Temple dedicated June 10, 2012
Image from Mormon Newsroom
Tegucigalpa Honduras Temple dedicated March 17, 2013
Image from Mormon Newsroom
Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple dedicated May 4, 2014
Image from Facebook
Córdoba Argentina Temple dedicated May 17, 2015
Image from Facebook
Trujillo Peru Temple dedicated June 21, 2015
Image from Facebook
Tijuana Mexico Temple dedicated December 13, 2015
Image from Facebook
Fort Collins Colorado Temple dedicated October 16, 2016
Image from Facebook
Tuscan Arizona Temple dedicated August 13, 2017
Image from Facebook
Meridian Idaho Temple dedicated November 19, 2017
Image from Facebook
We're grateful that we'll continue to enjoy Elder Uchtdorf's remarkable service, powerful influence, and delightful, relatable messages as he continues to serve as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.