While traveling with President Russell M. Nelson on his South American tour, Sister Wendy Watson Nelson says in a Newsroom video that the prophet's work so far "Is as though he has been unleashed."
The nine-day tour, which encompassed Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uraguay, and Chile, has been historic. Not only has the prophet addressed tens of thousands of Saints, occasionally speaking Spanish to do so, but he also dedicated the Concepción Chile Temple last Sunday as part of the tour.
Noting that President Nelson has seen the love and faith of the people during his tour, Sister Nelson also testified of her husband's calling as a prophet of God as he "thinks outside of the box."
"He's not interested in cutting the ham to fit inside of the pot anymore," she shares. "And he's not just about, 'If it was tradition, let's do something different.' It's, 'Let's look at why we were doing that.' And that's what's caught his attention over and over again."
As President addresses these issues and fulfills his role as a prophet, Sister Nelson says she's seen a change in him.
"I've seen him become younger. I've seen him become happier because he's doing what he came to earth to do, so why wouldn't he be happy?" she shares. "He was foreordained to become the prophet of God upon the earth today."
Watch the full interview with Sister Nelson below: