This week’s readings: Matthew 14–15; Mark 6–7; John 5–6
Don’t forget to record your impressions and read the ideas outlined in the new Come, Follow Me manuals on
Bible Video
Scripture Insight
This week’s scriptural insight comes from Verse by Verse: Volume 1 by Andrew C. Skinner and D. Kelly Ogden.
All four Gospel writers recorded the feeding of the five thousand near Bethsaida, but John is the only one who specifically mentioned that the fishes were small (possibly sardines, which along with bread provide part of the basic diet of Galileans to this day) and noted what the loaves were made of. Barley was a staple grain for the poorer people, less favored than wheat. Fishes that were small and loaves that were made of barley would supply meager nourishment to few people.
Study Ideas
These ideas and topics are compiled from Come, Follow Me and have been adapted for specific situations. Check out the manuals online for more ideas, or come up with your own as you study!
For couples:
We often focus on teaching youth that they are children of God, but in this week’s readings, you might take an opportunity to focus on your own child-parent relationship with Heavenly Father. As you review John 5:17-47 together, you can talk about Christ’s relationship with His Father and how it sets an example for each of us. You may even want to brainstorm together or share with each other one way that you would like to strengthen your relationship with your Heavenly Father this week using what you’ve read.
For singles:
Consider spending your study this week on the story of Christ feeding 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes. How can you apply this story to your own life? You may want to think about tasks you are responsible for in your life that have felt or currently feel impossible. How can Christ magnify your gifts and abilities in these situations, just as He magnified the efforts of his disciples in this story? You might pick a specific task to focus your prayers on this week and make an extra effort to trust in the Lord to help you accomplish that task. President James E. Faust’s talk “Five Loaves and Two Fishes,” mentioned in the Come, Follow Me study outline this week, could be a great resource for this study topic.
For families with young children:
One story that children may especially benefit from studying this week is the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water. You may consider watching the Bible video “Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?” embedded above, using a picture to illustrate the story, or acting it out together. Afterward, each family member could take a turn sharing a time that they felt afraid. Then you can talk together about ways that faith in Christ can help us overcome fear the way He helped Peter.
For families with teens:
As your family studies this week’s readings, consider focusing on the story in John 6:22–71. In these scriptures, those following Christ were so focused on His miraculous ability to feed multitudes that they didn’t understand or want His offering of spiritual nourishment. As a family, you could take turns sharing ways that the Lord has blessed you physically and ways that He is trying to nourish you spiritually. With general conference approaching, you could even talk about times that family members have found teachings and counsel from the prophets difficult to understand or accept and what you can do when that happens.
Stay in the loop on Come, Follow Me discussions and insights throughout the week by following the Brightly Beams Instagram account, or check out this week's relatedCome, Follow MeFHE lesson: The Father’s Will.
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