This week’s readings: Matthew 6–7
Don’t forget to record your impressions and read the ideas outlined in the new Come, Follow Me manuals on
Bible Video
Scripture Insight
This week’s scriptural insight comes from Verse by Verse: Volume 1 by Andrew C. Skinner and D. Kelly Ogden.
Third Nephi 13:10 omits one phrase contained in the biblical text [of the Lord’s prayer] (Matthew 6:10), “Thy kingdom come,” likely because it had come. “Give us this day our daily bread” (v. 11) was the lifelong plea of a people dependent on the rain of heaven and the produce of the land, for bread is the basic substance of life. One phrase in verse 13 is curious: “Lead us not into temptation.” God does not, of course, lead anyone into temptation, but the sense may be “Don’t bring us into the control or power of temptation” greater than we can bear. That is what the Hebrew rendering of the New Testament phrase means. Joseph Smith Translation Matthew 6:14 says, “And suffer us not to be led into temptation,” or Joseph Smith Translation Luke 11:4, “let us not be led unto temptation.”
Study Ideas
These ideas and topics are compiled from Come, Follow Me and have been adapted for specific situations. Check out the manuals online for more ideas, or come up with your own as you study!
For couples:
One of the themes in this week’s reading is “judging righteously.” You may consider talking about this as a couple this week, looking at the Joseph Smith Translation for extra insight and asking questions like “How have we been righteous or unrighteous judges this week?” or “What can we do to support each other in our decisions and help each other make righteous judgments in relation to our family?”
For singles:
It’s not always easy to prioritize the things of God over the things of the world. Perhaps this week, you can take some time individually or with a friend to ponder and discuss what you can do this week to add more “heavenly treasures” into your week. You might study the Savior’s teachings in Matthew 6–7 for ideas.
For families with young children:
To help your family better understand the importance of creating a strong family and personal foundation built on the Savior, you might consider focusing on the parable of the wise man and the foolish man. You might sing the Primary song “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” and then let each child pour water on sand and then on a rock. You could then discuss with them how we build our spiritual foundations on a rock and not sand.
For families with teens:
It is easy for personal and family prayers to become rote and thoughtless. Perhaps during this week’s study, your family could benefit from studying the way the Savior prayed in Matthew 6:5–13 and talking about specific things you can pray for as a family or how you can model your prayers after the Savior.
Stay in the loop on Come, Follow Me discussions and insights throughout the week by following the Brightly BeamsInstagram account, or check out this week's related Come, Follow Me FHE lesson: Treasures in Heaven.
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